
Councilor alludes to DPP legislator staging fall

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/25 10:06
Last update time:2023/08/25 18:00
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DPP legislator Lai Pin-yu’s recent fall questioned by many. (TVBS News) Councilor alludes to DPP legislator staging fall
DPP legislator Lai Pin-yu’s recent fall questioned by many. (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei City Councilor Chung Pei-chun alleged that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Lai Pin-yu had staged her fall while being chased by reporters on Thursday (Aug. 24).

Chung alleged that Lai had staged the incident while being pursued by the media and posted a slow-motion video of the incident to support her allegation. Chung accused Lai of falsehood and condemned her actions as a cheap tactic to defame reporters.


Taoyuan City's DPP Councilor Huang Chung-hui expressed disappointment in Chung's remarks and suggested that the incident stemmed from certain media members' lack of journalistic ethics. Huang also argued that Lai fell due to press members hounding and improperly touching her.

Lawyer Lin Chih-chun also weighed in on the topic, considering it regrettable that Chung, herself supported during an incident involving harassment from media personality Lucifer Chu, did not express similar understandings to Lai.

However, the Kuomintang (KMT) lawmaker Lin Wei-chou argued that drawing comparisons between these two events was inappropriate, as the former incident had no relation with the latter. 

Instead, he asked viewers to determine the incident's authenticity by watching the video of Lai's alleged staged fall.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei#Lai Pin-yu#Chung Pei-chun#fall#media
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