
MODA faces criticism as one-year mark approaches

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/24 14:01
Last update time:2023/08/24 14:01
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Audrey Tang and the Ministry of Digital Affairs criticized by opposition parties over lack of demons MODA faces criticism as one-year mark approaches
Audrey Tang and the Ministry of Digital Affairs criticized by opposition parties over lack of demons

TAIPEI (TVBS News) —  On Thursday (Aug. 24), Taipei City councilor Lee Yen-hsiu criticized the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) of the Executive Yuan for lacking policy direction and effectiveness as it is approaches its one-year anniversary on Aug. 27.


President Tsai Ing-wen's administration established the MODA, led by Audrey Tang, with a budget of NT$ 21.7 billion in 2022. The goal was to elevate security awareness and protection levels in Taiwan. However, the ministry's large budget and frequent overseas trips by Tang and other officials have raised doubts about the lack of demonstrable results.


Lee stressed that the MODA has six implementation units, six supporting units, and two third-level agencies, while half of the employees are contractors. She questioned the ministry's lack of performance after being founded nearly a year, despite the significant budget allocation.


She argued that the ministry's key achievements are only limited to basic initiatives so far, such as the creation of online platforms and subsidy systems, without any substantial progress in combating fraud, creating media legislation, or protecting personal data.


Furthermore, Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Li Kuei-min expressed concerns about the high costs of these overseas trips, which added up to NT$14.08 million, and the amount of time spent abroad, totaling 609 days in over 23 trips.


Taiwan Affairs

#MODA#Taiwan#Taipei#Audrey Tang#Tsai Ing-wen
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