
New Taipei urges caution as drowning claims life of swimmer

Release time:2023/08/07 20:07
Last update time:2023/08/07 20:08
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New Taipei urges caution as drowning claims life of swimmer (TVBS News) New Taipei urges caution as drowning claims life of swimmer
New Taipei urges caution as drowning claims life of swimmer (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A tragic drowning incident struck the coastal community in the Wanli District of New Taipei City on Monday, (Aug. 7). A 55-year-old man surnamed Lee was swept away by waves while swimming about 10 meters from the beach.

Local authorities rushed to the scene after receiving reports, performing CPR, but the man showed no signs of life. Despite using automated external defibrillators and swift transportation to Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Lee tragically succumbed to his accident.


In the face of this tragedy, Battalion Chief Lo I-tien of the New Taipei City Government's Sixth Fire Battalion urged vigilance during the peak swimming season. Lo said that the public should pay special attention to safety during water activities and must not ignore warning signs and prohibitions.

Public members witnessing a drowning incident should immediately call for help, dial 118 or 119, or seek assistance from coastal patrol or fire departments. Above all, the call to uphold safety comes when the sunny weather calls crowds toward water bodies for relief.

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