
Retired U.S. military officials observe Taiwan’s drills

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/07/28 17:41
Last update time:2023/07/28 17:41
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's week-long, live-fire Han Kuang military exercises concluded on Friday (July 28) as the military tested its combat readiness and weaponry systems under simulated attacks. During anti-landing drills at New Taipei's Bali District, two retired U.S. military officials observed quietly on the sidelines and offered a few pointers between the exercises. 

Experts explained that the U.S. review team would first review the exercise briefing to understand the strategies and environment under normal circumstances.


"Then, they will observe our live-fire exercises," Former Commander of the Army's Special Forces Headquarters Kuo Li-sheng said. "During the drills, they won't interfere but may voice questions or provide suggestions to Taiwanese officials afterward."

This is not the first time retired US generals have traveled to Taiwan to oversee the nation's war games and live-fire drills. However, amid rising tensions across the Taiwan Strait, the frequency of their visits has increased significantly. 

The review team closely follows soldiers to ensure precise movements and correct execution of plays. If they observe innovative tactics or strategies they are unfamiliar with, they also encourage and make note of them.

Association of Strategic Foresight Research Fellow Chieh Chung said, "Through observing our live-fire exercises, they can evaluate our troops' current capabilities to conduct defensive operations and overall strategies to determine their feasibility under attack."

Although many drills in eastern and southern Taiwan were canceled due to Typhoon Doksuri, the military exercises in the north concluded without a hitch. As Taiwan prepares for the worst and hopes for the best amid growing threats, the world continues to watch as the nation improves its tactics and military precision.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#U.S. military officials#Han Kuang exercises#observe#defense capabilities


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