
President Tsai takes short break for health reasons

Release time:2023/07/28 13:16
Last update time:2023/07/28 13:16
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President Tsai takes short break for health reasons (TVBS News) President Tsai takes short break for health reasons
President Tsai takes short break for health reasons (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Presidential Office announced that President Tsai Ing-wen won't attend planned events on Friday (July 28) due to health reasons.

Reports suggest that Tsai had lost her voice, but Presidential Office Spokesperson Olivia Lin denied these allegations, saying she was just unwell. A medical team reportedly advised Tsai to cancel her appearances and rest.


President Tsai Ing-wen tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday but carried out her duties during the typhoon and Hang Kuang exercises, including guiding a national key infrastructure protection drill and meeting with foreign guests.

Tsai was supposed to attend the opening ceremony of TSMC Global R&D Center this morning. Premier Chen Chien-jen took over instead. 

The 19th committee meeting of the Presidential Office's Original Transfer Association, which Tsai was also supposed to preside over, was led by Vice President Lai Ching-te.

According to reports, Tsai sounded a bit hoarse and seemed somewhat weak on Thursday during the drill. 

Despite her health status, the Presidential Office's statement stresses that Tsai continues to manage national affairs alongside her team, thanking everyone for their concern and attention.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#COVID-19#President Tsai#Tsai Ing-wen#Presidential Office


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