
President Tsai rewards top tech innovators at ITRI event

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/07/05 18:57
Last update time:2023/07/05 19:01
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Taiwan’s ITRI celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday. (TVBS News) President Tsai rewards top tech innovators at ITRI event
Taiwan’s ITRI celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday. (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday (July 5) with a grand ceremony attended by President Tsai Ing-wen and various officials and business leaders. 

President Tsai presented the "Innovation Heritage, Industrial Achievement" award to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) founder Morris Chang and other business leaders, expressing gratitude for their contributions to Taiwan's economy.


During her speech, President Tsai highlighted the milestone's significance, acknowledging that ITRI has transformed Taiwan from a labor-intensive industry structure over the past five decades to a technology-driven high-tech nation. 

The institute has laid the foundation for developing Taiwan's semiconductor industry and has also played a crucial role in various sectors, such as information and communications technology, optoelectronics displays, and carbon fiber bicycles. Many of Taiwan's groundbreaking products that have achieved leading positions worldwide originated from the efforts of ITRI.

President Tsai emphasized that ITRI was born in a turbulent era 50 years ago and has become a world-class applied technology research institute. It has helped Taiwan become a vital force in the global supply chain. 

ITRI has garnered numerous international accolades throughout its journey, becoming a source of pride for the nation. President Tsai credited the institute's success to the continuous efforts of its dedicated professionals.

Looking ahead, President Tsai stated that ITRI's current focus lies in the "2035 Technology Strategy and Blueprint," which encompasses four major areas: smart living, healthy aging, sustainable environment, and resilient society. 

To address long-term care, ITRI is integrating information and communications technology into elderly care and collaborating with the National Health Research Institutes to establish health risk assessment models.

Additionally, recognizing the impact of generative AI on industries, ITRI has formed a cross-disciplinary strategic team this year to explore the applications and regulations of AI technology.

Taiwan Business

#Taiwan#Tsai Ing-wen#Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)#Morris Chang#TSMC


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