
Sinkhole raises safety concerns in Taipei

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/07/10 16:47
Last update time:2023/07/10 16:47
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Despite efforts by the Taipei City Government to fill a sinkhole with cement over the weekend, it reappeared and expanded on Monday morning (July 10), leading to road closures for repair works.

The sinkhole, measuring around 1.5 meters in length, 1 meter in width, and 1.5 meters in depth,  first emerged at 11 p.m. on Saturday (July 8) on Nanjing West Road in Taipei, causing alarm among nearby residents and repair work until 8 a.m. on Sunday (July 9).


However, a much larger sinkhole resurfaced on Monday morning, measuring 20 meters in length, 15 meters in width, and 2.5 meters in depth. The proximity of the sinkhole, only 2 to 3 meters away from residential areas, stunned residents. 

To address the situation, the Taipei City Government swiftly closed the two-way section of Nanjing West Road from Xining North Road to Huanhe North Road, advising the public to plan alternate routes.

The Sewerage Systems Office of the Public Works Department, Taipei City Government, has conducted preliminary investigations into the cause of the collapse. Authorities later determined that the damaged sewage pipeline has suffered from tidal influence from the nearby Tamsui River, resulting in continuous erosion and soil loss.

The city government has implemented structural monitoring, with assessments from structural engineers indicating no current impact on building safety. To prevent further soil erosion, cement will be poured into the manhole in front of No. 458 Nanjing West Road.

An on-site command center has been established to address the underlying issue.

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