
Taiwan gov’t cautions against transition to 4-day workweek

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/06/26 18:18
Last update time:2023/06/26 18:18
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Labor (MOL) expressed doubts regarding the feasibility of a 4-day workweek initiative on Monday (June 26), citing potential impacts on various industries in Taiwan, including education, transportation, finance, and government agencies.

Speaking in a press conference, Huang Wei-chen, director of the Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment at MOL, shared the results from extensive discussions with relevant agencies and industries.


The prevailing labor shortage in Taiwan was a key factor highlighted by Huang, emphasizing that a majority in the focus group disagreed with the petition to reduce the workweek to four days, as it could exacerbate the already strained workforce.

"We have observed that both employees and workers, particularly the latter, have expressed the need for further improvements in fully implementing a four-day workweek or reducing normal working hours," said Huang.

Encouraging private-owned business units to take independent action, Huang suggested conducting trial runs to adjust working hours, potentially allowing employees to have either three full days or two and a half days off.

The Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan, stated that they would continue to gather feedback from various industries and monitor the implementation of shortened workweeks in other countries before deciding on adopting the 4-day workweek plan.

The online petition for a 4-day workweek was initiated in March, with proponents urging the Taiwanese government to reduce working hours, which would position Taiwan as the first Asian country to embrace such a policy shift. 

Taiwan Affairs



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