
Rainy weather forecast on Mother’s Day

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/05/09 17:45
Last update time:2023/05/09 17:45
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Central Weather Bureau predicts that starting Tuesday (May 9), Taiwan will experience dry weather with consistent and pleasant temperatures throughout the week. However, there is a possibility of rain returning over the weekend.

The bureau forecasts that Taiwan is unlikely to have rainfall in most areas during the afternoon and evening. However, some sporadic rain may occur in mountainous regions and eastern Taiwan.


Temperatures in most areas of Taiwan will range between 20-30 degrees Celsius for the next few days. The weather forecast predicts a slight temperature drop right before Mother's Day on Sunday, with rain expected to return over the weekend.

Northern Taiwan experienced cool temperatures early this morning, with the mercury hovering around 17 degrees Celsius.

Thanks to the plum rain, recent data from the Water Resources Agency indicated that 10.64 million cubic meters of water had accumulated in Taiwan's primary reservoirs last weekend, with the central region benefiting the most from the rainfall.

Taiwan Affairs



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