
Taiwan ex-President Ma Ying-jeou faces protests at airport

Reporter Vivian Hsiao with AP
Release time:2023/03/28 17:14
Last update time:2023/03/28 17:14
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's former President Ma Ying-jeou faced protests from pro-independence groups on Monday (March 27) as he arrived at Taoyuan International Airport to catch a flight for his 12-day trip to China.

The demonstrators held up long white banners, accusing Ma of bowing down to China and betraying Taiwan. Police arrived at the airport soon after to escort the protesters off the premises, but they refused to leave quietly. Members of the group held onto microphones and dragged their feet as they screamed out Ma's alleged betrayal of the Taiwanese people.


The pro-independence group later regrouped outside the airport and continued their protests against Ma's trip to China, which will conclude on April 7.

The ex-president is visiting in a private capacity, bringing a delegation of academics and college students for exchanges, as well as members of his family, but the trip is loaded with political meaning.

Ma’s policies brought Taiwan and Beijing to their closest relationship ever, but his exit from office was overshadowed by massive protests against a trade deal with the mainland.

His successor has focused on bolstering ties with the U.S. and defending the autonomy of the democratically governed island that China claims as part of its own territory

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Ma Ying-jeou#Taoyuan Airport#pro-independence protests#China


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