
Taipei to offer another 272 slots in preschools for toddlers

Reporter TVBS News staff
Release time:2023/02/23 19:19
Last update time:2023/02/23 19:19
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei City is taking steps to improve access to early childhood education with plans to open 17 new public preschool classes, creating 272 new slots for toddlers under two years old. 

The move is part of the city's efforts to promote education and support families with young children.


The new classes will likely open in September, with the Taipei City Government investing NT$30 million to construct new classrooms. T

The investment demonstrates the city's commitment to providing high-quality education and resources for young children.

Authorities have stated that children born between Sept. 2, 2020, and Sept. 1, 2022, will be eligible to apply for enrollment. 

The expansion of preschool classes aims at helping working parents who need reliable and affordable childcare options.

Taipei City has been taking a proactive approach to improving early childhood education in recent years. 

In 2018, the city introduced a policy to provide free preschool education for children from low-income families. 

The move was widely praised for helping to reduce educational inequality and providing opportunities for children from all backgrounds.

As the city continues to grow and evolve, investment in early childhood education is seen as a crucial step toward creating a brighter future for Taipei's youngest citizens. 

The city's commitment to supporting families with young children is a positive example for other cities worldwide to follow.

Taiwan Affairs



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