
Qingshui Tunnel to reopen to traffic 4 days after collapse

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/01/13 18:45
Last update time:2023/01/13 18:45
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Construction workers have been repairing the Qingshui Tunnel in Hualien since it collapsed on Wednesday (Jan. 11) around midnight.

The collapse, which destroyed 25 meters of the tunnel, has cut off all traffic. 


According to the Directorate General of Highways under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), the collapse is likely the result of recent earthquakes and heavy rainfall.

The tunnel, which is part of the Suhua Highway (Provincial Highway 9), was hit by dirt and heavy  boulders. The debris caved in part of the ceiling, resulting in massive leaks within the structure.

Officials reported that the debris was estimated to be about 1,200 cubic meters, meaning it could fill about two-thirds of the standard swimming pool.

As the tunnel is 8.5 meters wide, bulldozers had difficulty clearing the path, though construction is currently underway.

The Directorate General of Highways estimated that the tunnel could be open to traffic once again by 5 p.m. Sunday (Jan. 15).

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