
11 trapped in W Taipei Hotel elevators after power outage

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2022/12/05 22:18
Last update time:2022/12/07 07:22
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Eleven guests were trapped in W Taipei Hotel’s elevators at around 10 p.m. on Sunday after circuit breakers allegedly tripped.

Shortly after the power outage, firefighters, medics, and police officers arrived on the scene to rescue the trapped guests.


According to a social media post from an alleged victim, he had just finished his meal on the 31st floor and was on his way down when the elevator suddenly stopped.

After discovering that the elevator was stuck, he quickly called 110 and explained that it was getting hard to breathe.

Though all eleven guests were quickly rescued, W Taipei has released a statement promising to cover all the expenses of guests who checked in on Sunday to make up for the inconvenience.

A spokesperson for the hotel later added that due to a tripped circuit breaker, they had detected smoke coming out of one of the floors Sunday evening and had quickly evacuated the guests.

The problem has been addressed, and all affected guests will be compensated accordingly, the statement said.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#W Taipei Hotel#elevators#trapped#power outage


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