The Olympic Games spark renewed fitness interest in Paris

記者 Dimitri Bruyas 報導

2024/08/08 15:37

PARIS (TVBS News) — Watching top athletes at the Olympic Games can boost our motivation to practice sport. Seeing athletes overcome challenges and achieve incredible victories can also inspire us to take up sports and strive for our own goals. Moreover, they encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles.

Louise D., a Parisian, shared her thoughts on Tuesday at the Luxembourg Park in downtown Paris: "I think it encourages a lot of people. I know I used to do a lot of swimming before, so it makes me want to swim again. Well, I used to do sports, so I can't really say if it's had an impact on my daily life, but I know that there are a lot of people around me who want to get back into sports."


Hugo T., a French tourist in Paris, also expressed his enthusiasm: "Right now, I want to do fencing, judo, and lots of other sports. The fact that we're winning medals and doing well is motivating. Maybe there's a bit of a fashion effect, but like everything else, at the beginning of January when you get motivated to do sports, it may drop off a bit afterwards. But it certainly makes you want to do sports."

While the excitement of a last-minute victory or an extraordinary individual performance can inspire us to push our limits, experts caution against overexertion. Nicolas Garabedoff, manager of RITM Saint-Germain, a popular sports center, emphasized the importance of a gradual approach to fitness. "No, you can't go back to sports like that. There's nothing worse than wanting to do sports, doing it hard, getting injured, and then being traumatized and never doing sports again. So it's counterproductive."

Garabedoff further advised on proper preparation: "You can do any sport if you prepare well. Of course, we're not going to start with a triathlon. On the other hand, to do a triathlon, you need to prepare the basics. And that's where coaches and gyms come into play. Thanks to us, you'll be able to prepare for your triathlon. You won't be able to do it right away, but you'll have the skills to do it afterwards."

The ups and downs of a sporting competition can relieve stress and tension, especially when watching with a group. When our favorite team or athlete scores or wins, our levels of happy hormones (endorphins) rise, boosting our mood. Their remarkable performances bring us joy and inspire us to push our own limits.

However, it is essential to balance exercise with rest and recovery. If a movement hurts, don't insist. If you're tired, don't force yourself, as you risk injury. Recovery and rest are just as important as training. They help you build a healthy body and mind. Remember that top athletes also follow a strict training program to become champions in their discipline. Follow their lead and create your own to suit your goals.

As the Summer Olympics continue to inspire millions worldwide, the positive impact on public health and motivation is undeniable. The sight of athletes achieving extraordinary feats serves as a powerful reminder that with dedication and proper guidance, anyone can strive towards their fitness goals.





更新時間:2024/08/08 16:47