Taiwan’s debate on ’China’ vs. ’mainland’ continues

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon Amy Hsin-Hsiang Chen 報導

2024/05/02 17:17

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu on Thursday (May 2) criticized the opposition Kuomintang's (KMT) proposal to replace the term "China" with "mainland" in official documents as "ridiculous" to Taiwanese people.

Wu was responding to the proposal from KMT caucus whip Fu Kun-chi who asked the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) a day earlier to avoid the term "country" to describe the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Fu emphasized that revisions must adhere to the Constitution.


Minister Wu stressed that the customary way to describe the other side of the Taiwan Strait should be upheld in government texts. The debate over how to refer to the region is ongoing in Taiwan, with some viewing it as "mainland" and others simply as "China," reflecting divisions over national identity.



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更新時間:2024/05/02 17:17