Premier Chen emphasizes cybersecurity amid rising attacks

記者 Scarlett Yu 報導

2023/11/22 20:54
Premier Chen emphasizes cybersecurity amid rising attacks (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In response to a surge in cyberattacks targeting Taiwan's major corporations, Premier Chen Chien-jen underscored the urgency of enhancing cybersecurity during his visit to local banks on Wednesday (Nov. 22) for an assessment of fraud prevention measures.

Chen noted that several businesses have already reported incidents to law enforcement, with the Criminal Investigation Bureau working in tandem with relevant agencies to address these cases.


The Premier advocated for a "zero trust" approach, calling on companies to reinforce their cybersecurity infrastructure. He also highlighted the potential role of the National Institute of Cyber Security in providing necessary support.

Furthermore, Chen announced plans to establish a committee dedicated to personal data protection, aiming to bolster public confidence in the handling and processing of their personal information.

Chen expressed his expectation that independent institutions will implement specialized mechanisms for enhanced data protection. To achieve this goal, he stressed the importance of strategic policy implementation for robust cybersecurity across various companies.





更新時間:2023/11/22 20:54