Tokyo, UCLA bands join Taiwan’s National Day

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/10/10 16:58

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Emerald Knights, a high school marching band from Tokyo, and the UCLA Bruin Marching Band from Los Angeles performed at Taiwan's 112th National Day ceremony on Tuesday (Oct. 10), highlighting the Taiwan-Japan-U.S. friendship.

To celebrate the National Day, the island extended a warm invitation to renowned marching bands from Japan and the United States, inviting them to participate in this grand occasion.


The Tokyo Agricultural University Second High School marching band was nicknamed the "Emerald Knights" because of their green uniforms. They performed well-known Japanese anime theme songs from Slam Dunk, Chibi Maruko-chan, and more.

The Solid Gold Sound of the UCLA Bruin Marching Band showcased traditional UCLA songs, "Bruin Fanfare," "Strike up the Band for UCLA," and "The Mighty Bruin."



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更新時間:2023/10/10 16:58