Taipei prepares for presidential election with rehearsal

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2023/09/25 18:35

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei City Election Commission conducted a voting rehearsal on Monday morning (Sept. 25) to ensure a smooth voting process for the 2024 presidential election and highlight the essence of democracy.

Li Tai-hsing, chair of the Taipei City Election Commission, announced plans to mobilize 18,000 personnel stationed at 1,760 polling stations throughout Taipei City for the election scheduled on Jan. 13, 2024.


The rehearsal had three primary objectives: Firstly, to gauge the time required for an individual to complete the entire voting process, encompassing ballot reception, marking, and casting. Secondly, to simulate the management of unforeseen circumstances. Thirdly, to practice the vote-counting procedures.

On election day, citizens will receive three ballots: one for the President and Vice President, another for Regional or Indigenous Legislators, and a third for the Party vote.

Shilin District Director Hung Chin-ta also reminded the public to deposit their votes into the correct ballot boxes according to colors. "Pink is designated for the President and Vice President, while light yellow is intended for Regional or Indigenous Legislators," stressed Hung. 

This guidance ensures that individuals do not unintentionally cast their ballots in the wrong box, safeguarding their voting rights on election day.

The rehearsal featured moments when the public simulated illegal actions occasionally encountered during elections. Addressing illicit activities such as tearing up ballots, displaying them, and wearing or showing flags, badges, items, or clothing with political affiliations were all integrated into the rehearsal process.

With the participation of 100 city residents, the voting rehearsal concluded successfully. As the 2024 election approaches, not only the candidates but also the public are gearing up to demonstrate the strength of democracy.





更新時間:2023/09/25 18:35