President Santiago Peña praises bilateral ties with Taiwan

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/08/16 16:15

ASUNCION (TVBS News) — Paraguay's President Santiago Peña highlighted the country's bilateral ties with Taiwan at Tuesday's inauguration ceremony (Aug. 14), where Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te was in attendance.

During his speech, the newly-elected President stated, "Our relationship with Taiwan is a symbol of Paraguay's deep friendship with nations we view as allies and brothers."


He stressed that Paraguay will "maintain ongoing dialogues with the global community while safeguarding our sovereignty, territory, values, and culture."

Lai, listening attentively, was seated behind Argentina President Alberto Fernández and Spanish King Felipe VI. 

During Peña's 30-minute speech, Taiwan was mentioned twice, including an introduction of Lai.

Following the inauguration, Taiwan's Vice President will travel to San Francisco as a transit stop before returning to Taiwan on Friday.  





更新時間:2023/08/16 16:15