Taiwan military conducts rehearsal drills as typhoon nears

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/07/25 18:28

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's military conducted anti-landing rehearsal drills in New Taipei City's Bali District on Tuesday (July 25) in preparation for the official Han Kuang exercise scheduled for Thursday in the same area. 

Despite the disturbances caused by Typhoon Doksuri approaching Taiwan, the week-long military exercises will remain unaffected in northern Taiwan. 


However, today's military drills scheduled for eastern Taitung were canceled due to high waves and strong winds. The north routines involve deploying Clouded Leopard armored vehicles and M60A3 tanks for coastal exercises. 

The military also expanded the underground trenches to allow two-way walkways and stocked ammunition and water bottles to prepare for prolonged enemy attacks. 

As Typhoon Doksuri intensifies and approaches Taiwan, the country is taking comprehensive measures to minimize its adverse effects.



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更新時間:2023/07/25 18:28