Frog dish takes center stage at popular Taiwanese eatery

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/06/19 15:50

YUNLIN (TVBS News) — In a culinary twist that has captured the attention of food enthusiasts, a restaurant in Yunlin County has unveiled a special ramen dish adorned with an entire frog, left "uncut and unpeeled." This creative creation was inspired by a renowned restaurant in Taipei that recently caused a stir on social media with its giant isopod ramen.

Yuan Ramen, the eatery behind this audacious gastronomic endeavor, took to Facebook on June 11 to announce the launch of their limited offering — only six servings of the irresistible "Frog Frog Frog Ramen" would be available daily, each priced at NT$250. To fully savor the dish, customers were advised by the establishment to "gnaw on the entire frog."


Embracing the essence of local flavors, the Yunlin-based ramen joint shared details of the ingredients on various social media platforms. The dish, they revealed, features a fish-based broth, 200 grams of locally-sourced frogs from Beigang Township in Yunlin, and a generous serving of noodles. 

The restaurant's proprietor also urged patrons not to reserve tables solely to capture photographs, implementing a NT$100 fee to discourage unnecessary food waste.

Following the Facebook post's release, many online users expressed their eagerness to sample this extraordinary creation. The dish's popularity quickly became evident as Yuan Ramen disclosed that reservations were almost complete.

As food enthusiasts eagerly anticipate their opportunity to try the "Frog Frog Frog Ramen," this culinary sensation continues to make waves in Yunlin County, showcasing the province's ingenuity and willingness to push the boundaries of traditional cuisine.



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更新時間:2023/06/19 15:50