Cable malfunction plunges Taichung diners into darkness

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/05/30 17:10

TAICHUNG, Taiwan (TVBS News) — An underground cable malfunction plunged diners into darkness at noon time at Taichung's newly-opened shopping center on Monday (May 29). 

The power outage saw those within the shopping center eating by the light coming through the windows while others walked up escalators to get to the food court.


According to local authorities, around 1,400 households were affected by the power outage. During that time, police officers were quickly assigned to intersections as traffic lights were also out.

The dispatch manager of Taipower's Taichung Division, Chen Yuan-lung, explained that the company has confirmed the incident was due to an underground cable failure, but further details are still awaiting confirmation. 

Though Taipower resolved the issue within an hour, many are concerned that as summers get hotter and power consumption grows, more power outages may lie in wait this season.

更新時間:2023/05/30 17:10