Taiwanese consumers concerned about hygiene of reusable cups

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/05/07 12:37

TAIPEI (TVBS News) ─ According to a study by the environmental advocacy group RE-THINK, 60% of Taiwanese are skeptical about the cleanliness of store-provided reusable cups.

The study also found that only 31.4% of people know the reusable cup services and 40% are willing to try them out.


To address hygiene concerns, a reusable cup supplier has built a cleaning and disinfection plant that can wash the cups in a 30-minute process, including soaking, high-temperature washing, sterilization, and drying. 

To promote sustainable practices and support recycling businesses, Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration has mandated that all chain stores and fast food businesses provide reusable cup rentals in 5% of their stores, increasing to 10% in 2024 and 30% in 2025.

According to sources, a convenience chain store sells about 200 million cups of coffee annually, and approximately 20% of consumers use their reusable cups.

And when 10% of consumers use store-provided cups, they can reduce the usage of 60 million paper cups annually.

While promoting reusable cups may take time, consumers must change their consumption behavior to protect the environment. 





更新時間:2023/05/07 12:37