Commentator: KMT must bring 1992 Consensus to int’l stage

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/04/15 17:18

TAIPEI (TVBS News) —  Commentator Tang Hsiang-Lung suggested Thursday (April 13) that Ma Ying-jeou brings the 1992 Consensus to the international stage to stabilize cross-strait relations. 

The commentator was responding to Ma's announcement earlier that day that he would attend the Delphi Economic Forum in Greece to discuss Taipei-Beijing relations.


According to Tang, recognition of the 1992 Consensus by the international community would serve as a means to prevent potential conflict between Taiwan and China. 

He also argued that this recognition would allow more space and opportunities for political arrangements and dialogues.

Tang posed the question, "What's wrong with that?" as he emphasized the potential benefits of adopting the 1992 Consensus to prevent tensions and promote peaceful relations across the Taiwan Strait.

更新時間:2023/04/15 17:18