Dutch national rescued after stranded in Taiwan mountains

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/01/17 19:04

KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — A Dutch national stranded on a mountain in southern Taiwan was rescued on Sunday night (Jan. 15). 

The man followed a GPS track route and got trapped on a cliff in the restricted military area in Shoushan, a mountain in southern Taiwan.


After climbing a 30-meter-deep cliff, the military and police found the man.

Some hikers use other hikers' GPS routes to venture off the beaten path in Taiwan.

And since the GPS routes maps can't help identify dangerous or restricted areas, hikers should pay more attention when hiking. 

The military warned that you could be imprisoned for up to 5 years if you trespassed in restricted areas.


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更新時間:2023/01/17 19:04