Tiny ants seek e-scooter battery warmth as temperatures drop

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/12/19 17:46

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan saw the first cold spell of the year on Sunday, and as most people wrapped themselves up in coats and sweaters, other creatures sought a different approach to stay warm.

An e-scooter rider encountered a swarm of ants on his scooter battery as he prepared to head out for the day.


As the insects crowded onto the battery, many speculated in the comment section that the ants could have been attracted to the battery because of a spilled drink from before. 

Others pointed out that they were likely seeking warmth from the cold weather.

E-scooter business owners also indicated that as the battery stations of e-scooters are usually situated outside, they are more susceptible to being infiltrated by insects on cold days.

Hopefully, as the cold wave passes, such alarming phenomena may be less frequent.



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更新時間:2022/12/19 17:46