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    TVBS 結果共10,000筆

  • 世界地球日開跑!TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文號召《GO PUNCH!》

    今天是世界地球日,也是2024《地球解方 永續設計行動年會》的開幕日。TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文受邀出席,呼籲與會者一同「GO PUNCH!」,響應活動主題「永續出擊、撼動地球」。準總統賴清德以影片致詞,強調台灣應善用ICT和金融業優勢應對氣候變遷挑戰。年會聚焦八大主題,包括人為永續轉型和未來能源創新。此外,TVBS提出新永續品牌「TVBS GOOD」,宣示作為ESG轉譯者的決心。
    2024/04/22 12:35
  • 北海道夯景點遊客亂闖 孤獨聖誕樹周邊居民喊苦

    2024/04/22 12:32
  • ADAS under scrutiny after multiple crashes in Taiwan

    Explore the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board’s proactive investigations into various transportation incidents, including its first inquiry into an electric vehicle accident, collisions involving advanced driver assistance systems, a Taichung MRT crash, a school bus overturning, and a tour bus accident. Reports on these cases aim to enhance safety measures and prevent future occurrences.
    2024/04/22 12:31
  • Taipower president reverses resignation decision

    Explore the story of Wang Yao-ting, President of Taiwan Power Co (Taipower), who retracted his resignation to continue leading the company amidst recent power outages and supply challenges in Taoyuan. Discover his commitment to Taipower, supported by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Taipower’s acting chairman, and learn about the company’s efforts to manage power supply through demand response mechanisms and the call for societal support in power plant construction for a stable power system.
    2024/04/22 12:20
  • Taiwan to face six days of unpredictable weather ahead

    Explore the forecast for Taiwan as it faces six days of rain starting April 23, with a warning from Daniel Wu of National Central University about unstable atmospheric conditions due to a lingering front and strong southwestern winds. Prior to the rainy period, hot temperatures and potential thunderstorms are expected, with precautions advised against sunburn and heatstroke. The weather pattern is predicted to continue with the front’s movement around Taiwan.
    2024/04/22 12:15
  • Blinken to urge China’s restraint during Taiwan inauguration

    U.S. Secretary of State Blinken to visit China, urging restraint during Taiwan’s presidential inauguration and discussing key issues such as drug prohibition, AI security, human rights, and Russia sanctions, while the U.S. reaffirms its consistent Taiwan policy and support for cross-strait dialogue.
    2024/04/22 11:14
  • House passes $95.3B foreign aid bill for Indo-Pacific region

    U.S. House passes $95.3B foreign aid bill, providing security assistance to Taiwan, Ukraine, Israel, and other Indo-Pacific countries to counter China and Russia.
    2024/04/22 10:06
  • TVBS揭密共軍潛艇學院 首次開放外媒參觀

    2024/04/21 19:21
  • 許光漢《青春18x2》Jimmy原型是他!接改編邀約以為詐騙 讚他演得好

    2024/04/21 17:05
  • 獨/《紅人榜》女星不忍了!被凌辱9年崩潰痛哭 男方身分曝光

    2024/04/21 13:58
  • 林莎無預警批白紗禮服現身 眾人驚呼:婚禮女神降臨!

    2024/04/21 12:03
  • 青島將辦「西太平洋海軍論壇」 TVBS與外媒登中共驅逐艦

    2024/04/20 19:28
  • 獨/柯文哲宣布新身分!成「徐巧芯學弟」 偷關心王世堅私下動態

    2024/04/20 16:56
  • 不斷更新/不只軟毛青黴酸 小林製藥紅麴原料再驗出2異物

    2024/04/20 15:27
  • TVBS「一樹一山」計畫!旗下藝人共同響應 分享永續小撇步

    2024/04/20 14:16
  • 獨家/馬國明曝接《新聞女王》早知會被罵翻! 認了「不喜歡這角色」

    2024/04/20 13:06
  • Taiwan unveils Olympic uniforms ahead of Paris Games

    Discover the innovative designs of the Chinese Taipei team’s uniforms for the Paris Olympics, unveiled at Taipei Fashion Week. The uniforms blend sustainability, craftsmanship, and national pride.
    2024/04/19 18:59
  • 113學年度會考全攻略:考程日期、必考科目範圍及考場規定詳解

    2024/04/19 18:38
  • Taipei’s estern district hit by unexpected blackout

    A power outage in Taipei’s Eastern District, including the Daan District, affected 722 households and disrupted businesses on the evening of April 18. Taipower is investigating the cause, linked to a tripped circuit breaker, and aims to restore power by early April 19. The incident underscores the critical need for reliable electricity in the city’s vibrant areas.
    2024/04/19 18:33
  • Taoyuan City grapples with frequent power outages

    Taoyuan City’s Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-Jiuh addresses multiple power outages, attributing them to increased usage and maintenance issues, while also discussing the broader energy strategy for Taiwan, including considerations around nuclear power and the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant.
    2024/04/19 18:23
  • Philippines and New Zealand unite for Taiwan Strait peace

    Explore the welcoming by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a joint statement from the Philippines and New Zealand leaders emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait, amidst concerns over China’s military actions.
    2024/04/19 18:15
  • Taoyuan faces power crisis: aging infrastructure to blame

    Explore the challenges Taoyuan City faces with power outages, as Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-chu addresses equipment failure, aging infrastructure, and the indirect role of power shortages. Amidst public dissatisfaction and the impact on industries and healthcare, Taoyuan confronts the realities of climate change and growing demands on its electricity supply.
    2024/04/19 18:07
  • President Tsai honors TSMC’s Morris Chang with top award

    President Tsai Ing-wen awards Morris Chang, TSMC founder, the Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his contributions to Taiwan’s global standing and semiconductor industry, highlighting his role as a key figure in Taiwan’s economic development and international prominence.
    2024/04/19 18:05
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
    2024/04/19 18:00
  • 台電成「要電乞丐」每度12元買電 藍委轟:錯誤的能源政策

    2024/04/19 17:59
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