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  • 狂粉!專挑「HelloKitty」下手 女一天偷三店

    2024/05/31 18:18
  • NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang sees big future for AI in Taiwan

    Explore how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang champions artificial intelligence as a transformative force for Taiwan’s tech industry, engaging with top tech leaders and media at a recent event in Taipei.
    2024/05/31 17:24
  • Taiwan sees surge in pet numbers, cats lead the boom

    Discover the latest findings from the Ministry of Agriculture’s survey, revealing a significant rise in pet ownership in Taiwan, with pet cats seeing a 50% increase. Learn about the changes in survey methods and the potential for a new cat registration system.
    2024/05/31 17:21
  • Nvidia CEO surprises students with visit to NTU

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, made a surprise visit to National Taiwan University, engaging with students and receiving a warm welcome. Learn about the event’s highlights and reactions.
    2024/05/31 17:19
  • National Fire Agency to revise female recruitment criteria

    Discover how Taiwan’s Constitutional Court’s ruling against the National Fire Agency’s height requirement for female firefighters marks a significant step towards gender equality in emergency services.
    2024/05/31 17:13
  • Jensen Huang’s food adventures boost Taipei eateries’ fame

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s culinary adventures in Taiwan, from night markets to local restaurants, have captured public interest and influenced local businesses.
    2024/05/31 17:04
  • Premier outlines Taiwan’s new anti-fraud, hope strategies

    Premier Cho Jung-tai addressed the Legislative Yuan outlining major initiatives including anti-fraud measures and the ambitious National Project of Hope, aiming for significant national progress and stability in Taiwan.
    2024/05/31 17:02
  • Taipei expands free HPV vaccinations to include boys

    Starting September 1, Taipei will extend its free HPV vaccination program to junior high school boys, aiming for a 70% vaccination rate with initiatives including school tours and educational sessions on vaccine safety and benefits.
    2024/05/31 16:55
  • 大立光侵權案!德商跨海開庭嘆「台灣司法保護加害者」 中檢回了

    全球最大手機鏡頭製造廠大立光,日前被德商MVTec公司控訴,涉嫌盜用自家的「HALCON」軟體,今(31)日負責人Olaf Munkel也跨海開庭,他先是譴責大立光公司的行徑,更痛批檢方不讓他們閱卷,讓公司無法得知實際遭侵權數量,直言「台灣司法保護加害者」。對此,台中地檢署也祭出長文回應,藉此表達嚴正遺憾。
    2024/05/31 16:46
  • NVIDIA CEO to showcase AI at COMPUTEX, deepening Taiwan ties

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang is set to strengthen ties with Taiwanese manufacturers and highlight AI applications at COMPUTEX in June. His keynote will mark
    2024/05/31 16:16
  • NVIDIA CEO set to speak at NTU, boosting tech ties

    Discover the impact of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan and his anticipated keynote at the National Taiwan University Sports Center. Learn about his meetings with tech leaders and the potential growth in AI investments.
    2024/05/31 15:42
  • 錢是不會說謊的! 閔熙珍釋出「和解意願」HYPE股價秒升

    2024/05/31 15:23
  • MLB/法官復活!5月「趕進度」敲12轟 洋基神紀錄中斷照勝天使

    洋基當家球星「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)雖然季初表現低迷,但近期卻如「趕進度」般大爆發,光是5月份就敲出12發全壘打,今(31)日更是轟出一發2分砲,成功與金鶯韓德森(Gunnar Henderson)、太空人塔克(Kyle Tucker)並列大聯盟全壘打王。
    2024/05/31 15:16
  • President Lai commits to boosting cross-strait tourism

    Discover how Taiwan aims to boost cross-strait tourism with a focus on mutual respect and shared prosperity, as announced by President Lai Ching-te at the Taipei Tourism Exposition. Learn about the government’s strategies for sustainable tourism and international integration.
    2024/05/31 14:52
  • Barry Lam tops Forbes Taiwan’s richest list with US$11.7B

    Discover how Barry Lam became Taiwan’s wealthiest individual with a net worth of $11.7 billion, according to Forbes Taiwan’s Richest 2024 list. Learn about Taiwan’s economic growth and the tech industry’s role in shaping wealth.
    2024/05/31 14:50
  • 戰袍引爆搶購潮! 閔熙珍正裝現身記者會「容光煥發」還笑了

    2024/05/31 14:41
  • 女優太辣想壞壞!外國男斗內「視訊聊色」 下秒…驚知竟是親女兒

    絕大多數男性的手機、電腦內都有不能亂向外人分享的「珍藏」,但挪威心理治療師哈爾多爾森(Tone Haldorsen)卻透露,近日曾有一名男子向她求助,稱自己有天在成人網站中,看到一名非常吸引人的女優,於是便決定「斗內」以取得更多有關對方資訊,怎料當他看到女優的真面目後,這才得知竟是23歲親生女兒。
    2024/05/31 14:38
  • President Lai champions peace, tourism growth at Taipei expo

    Discover how President Lai Ching-te is promoting peace across the Taiwan Strait and advancing Taiwan’s tourism sector, including digital initiatives and global AI development, at the Taipei Tourism Exposition.
    2024/05/31 14:10
  • Over 153,000 Taiwanese workers earn below NT$30K monthly

    Discover the stark wage disparities in Taiwan’s workforce, as a Ministry of Labor report reveals over 153,288 workers earn less than NT$30,000 monthly, highlighting the economic challenges faced by low-wage workers.
    2024/05/31 14:06
  • DPP’s Rosalia Wu challenges Taiwan’s legislative dress code

    Explore how DPP Legislator Rosalia Wu challenges Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan dress code, advocating for practicality over formality and sparking a broader debate on attire norms in politics.
    2024/05/31 14:04
  • KMT legislators stage walkout during Premier’s policy report

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: KMT legislators stage a walkout during Premier Cho Jung-tai’s first policy report at the Legislative Yuan, signaling protest against his legislative reform stance. This event highlights the deep divisions and ongoing tensions in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/05/31 14:02
  • Taiwan’s premier commits to a nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s definitive move towards a nuclear-free future as the government, led by Premier Cho Jung-tai, commits to phasing out nuclear energy. This policy reflects a significant stance on the island’s energy future, emphasizing the administration’s dedication to fulfilling campaign promises and upholding democratic values.
    2024/05/31 13:45
  • 金曲35/GMA國際音樂節強勢回歸 12組亮眼卡司一次看

    文化部影視及流行音樂產業局主辦「2024 GMA金曲國際音樂節」系列活動「GMA SHOWCASE金曲售票演唱會」,6月25日起一連3天在CORNER MAX大角落多功能展演館登場,此次演出陣容堅強,由國內外專業選團人共同選薦,卡司也曝光了。
    2024/05/31 12:59
  • 陸客自由行開放了?男星才高喊「我是中國人」!爽遊宜蘭遭狠酸

    2024/05/31 12:25
  • 閔熙珍傻眼!2親信董事遭罷免「HYBE高層入主」 突喊:下午開記者會

    2024/05/31 11:54
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