
Jensen Huang’s food adventures boost Taipei eateries’ fame

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/31 17:04
Last update time:2024/05/31 17:05
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Jensen Huang’s food adventures boost Taipei eateries’ fame (TVBS News) Jensen Huang’s food adventures boost Taipei eateries’ fame
Jensen Huang

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) has made headlines not just for his business acumen but also for his culinary adventures in Taiwan.

Arriving on May 26, Huang's visit is highlighted by meetings with several tech companies and his participation in the upcoming COMPUTEX exhibition in June. However, it's his family's recent outing in Taipei's Siping shopping district on Tuesday (May 28), where they were spotted purchasing preserved fruits, that has captured the public's attention.


A Taste for Local Delights

Huang's gastronomic preferences have become a hot topic among social media users, with Ningxia Night Market (寧夏夜市) topping the list of his most discussed food ventures over the past year, according to statistics website KEYPO.


With 2,740 mentions, his visits in October 2023 and January 2024 to savor local snacks like "douhua" (tofu pudding) and oyster omelets have evidently left a significant digital footprint.

Flower Restaurant (花娘小館), known for its "stir-fried Chinese chive flower with black beans" dish, has surged in popularity due to Huang's patronage, becoming the second most talked-about restaurant with 1,271 mentions.

He fondly recalled the dish during COMPUTEX 2023 and revisited the restaurant in October the same year.


Night Market Favorites and Generous Tips


Raohe Night Market (饒河夜市) ranks third in Huang's most mentioned locations, with 584 mentions, where he was spotted buying fried dough twists in May 2023.

Dining experiences with his family at Fu-Ba-Wang Pigs' Knuckles Restaurant (富霸王豬腳) and Li Yuan Soup Dumpling House (犂園湯包館) also drew significant attention, nearing 300 mentions.

Notably, during their meal at the dumpling restaurant, Huang's party of seven spent over NT$2,000 and generously left a NT$1,000 tip, showcasing his generosity.

Huang's culinary journey through Taiwan's night markets and restaurants not only highlights his appreciation for local cuisine but also underscores the influence of high-profile tech figures on local businesses and cultural exchange. As Huang continues his visit, his taste for Taiwanese delicacies remains a delightful subplot to his professional endeavors.

「2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」,將於6月4日至6月7日在台北隆重舉行。展前,NVIDIA執行長黃仁勳也受邀於6月2日晚間7點,在臺灣大學體育館進行主題演講。精彩內容將在6月2日晚間7點至9點,透過TVBS 56頻道以及TVBS Asia頻道收看,並同步於TVBS NEWSTVBS World Taiwan YouTube頻道進行直播,為更多人提供觀看的機會,讓觀眾不受地域限制,共同見證AI時代的到來。


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#NVIDIA CEO# Taipei food# COMPUTEX# Taiwanese cuisine# night markets# Jensen Huang# local delicacies# Jensen Huang Taiwan visit# NVIDIA CEO Taipei food tour# Taiwanese night market favorites
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