美國總統當選人川普的新政府團隊引發討論,昨(10)日他在社群上貼文,明確指出不會邀請前駐聯合國大使海理妮基·海莉(Nikki Haley)、前國務卿蓬佩奧(又譯龐佩奧)(Mike Pompeo)加入目前正在籌組的川普政府,並說和倆人先前合作愉快。對此,龐佩奧也在「X」上發文回應川普。
Mr. President - I was proud to work with you too. As you said, when we were together last week, you and I built the plan that made the world safer & led to no new wars.
America firmly rejected the Biden-Harris foreign policy agenda. We have a duty to put America First again. pic.twitter.com/9Ac0rRyF7F— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) November 10, 2024 
I was proud to work with President Trump defending America at the United Nations. I wish him, and all who serve, great success in moving us forward to a stronger, safer America over the next four years. pic.twitter.com/6PhWN6xn1B
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 10, 2024