眾所矚目的美國期中選舉8日開始投票,選舉結果也已陸續公布,不過在投票過程中卻發生小插曲;此次選舉4大參院關鍵州之一的亞利桑那州,當地的馬里科帕郡(Maricopa County)卻傳出有數十台計票器故障,一度中斷投票過程。選舉官員雖已推出應變方案,承諾不會影響選民權利,卻仍掀起「選舉舞弊」陰謀論,共和黨人指這是民主黨「刻意操縱選舉。」
Maricopa County has identified the solution for the tabulation issues at about 60 Vote Centers. This solution has worked at 17 locations, and technicians deployed throughout the county are working to resolve this issue at the remaining locations. pic.twitter.com/Og7bXf0CsV
— Maricopa County Elections Department (@MaricopaVote) November 8, 2022
雖然當局已找到解決方案,但網路上又再度出現「選舉舞弊」說法;美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)在自家社群平台《Truth Social》上發文,「又來了,人民不會容忍的!」亞利桑那州共和黨籍參議員候選人馬斯特斯(Blake Masters)也指,「我們現在唯一知道的,就是民主黨人希望你灰心回家。」
馬里科帕共和黨監事會主席蓋茲(Bill Gates)則澄清,「這只是純粹的技術問題,絕非詐欺行為。雖然發生問題令人失望,但選民仍可以投票。」網路安全部門也表示,未發現任何干擾選舉設施的威脅。
If you’re at a polling place experiencing an issue with a tabulator, you have three options & your vote will be counted in each. 1) stay where you are and wait for tabulator to come online 2) drop your ballot in the secure slot (door 3) on tabulator 3) go to a nearby vote center
— Bill Gates (@billgatesaz) November 8, 2022
事實上,德州休士頓約有250萬選名的哈里斯縣(Harris County)也出現計票問題,60個投票點有20個故障,導致投票人潮大排長龍。