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    Ti 結果共15筆

  • Wu Kang-jen vies for 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards

    Wu K’ang-jen, recent Golden Horse Best Actor winner, nominated for Best Supporting Actor at 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards for role in "Fei Wo Yüeh Yüeh". "A-pang A-ti" competes for Best Asian Chinese Film against "Chu Ma She Ko Ko", "Chia Wo Ssu Ti Shih T’i", "Man Chiang Hung" and "Pu Shou Tu Hsi".
    2024/04/11 17:28
  • DPP’s Hsiao returns to hometown, vows to serve Taiwan

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to her hometown, Changhua County’s Hemei Township, and expressed her commitment to contribute to Taiwan. She met her relatives from the Xiao clan and was warmly welcomed by the locals. Hsiao’s father also hailed from Hemei Township and returned to Taiwan after obtaining his doctorate to serve the country. Hsiao feels a strong connection to the local people and sees it as her destiny to serve Taiwan. Her mission is to strengthen the diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the United States. Hsiao thanked the Xiao clan for their unwavering support and encouraged locals to support DPP legislative candidates. She expressed confidence in the DPP’s ability to secure the Taiwanese vote and promised to do more for Taiwan after the election.
    2023/12/26 14:05
  • Tsai endorses DPP duo Lai and Hsiao for Taiwan’s stability

    President Tsai Ing-wen endorses DPP presidential and vice presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim as implementers of her diplomatic and defense policy, known as the "Tsai Ing-wen approach," emphasizing stability, robustness, and trustworthiness. During a campaign event in Hsinchu County, Tsai also supports DPP Legislative Yuan candidates Chan Chi-ti and Tseng Sheng-kai, while hinting at a potential return to teaching after her presidency. Tsai highlights past projects in Hsinchu, such as the NT$2.9 billion investment in a pipeline connecting Shihmen Reservoir to Hsinchu, ensuring the high-tech industry’s resilience during droughts. She played a key role in the infrastructure upgrades, including the groundbreaking ceremony for the pipeline project. Despite opposition obstruction, the "Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program," with a budget of NT$840 billion, was passed with DPP’s majority support. The Executive Yuan is expected to approve over NT$100 billion in funding for infrastructure projects, including extending the Wugu-Yangmei Elevated Road to Hsinchu and Toufen, and creating underground railways in Taoyuan. Tsai emphasizes the need for a parliamentary majority and urges public support for DPP’s legislative nominees.
    2023/12/19 10:04
  • Strategic voting could tie Hou-Kong with Lai-Hsiao: poll

    According to a recent poll, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) "Lai-Hsiao ticket" has a support rate of 32.7%, placing them ahead in the presidential race. The Kuomintang’s (KMT) "Hou-Kong ticket" closely trails behind with 29% support. If strategic voting occurs, the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) "Ko-Ying ticket" could lose 7.3% of their current support, potentially resulting in a tie between Hou-Kong and Lai-Xiao at 32.7%. Compared to the previous poll in November, the Lai-Xiao ticket has gained 4.4% support, while the Hou-Kong duo has seen a modest increase of 0.8%. Conversely, support for the Ko-Ying pair has decreased by 4.6%. The survey, conducted through landline and mobile phone interviews on December 13 and 14, involved 1,088 Taiwanese citizens aged 20 and above.
    2023/12/16 14:29
  • New Taipei police intercept NT$147M in fraud

    The New Taipei City Police Bureau announced that NT$147.19 million was intercepted from potential fraud in October and November 2023, bringing the total amount of prevented fraud in New Taipei to NT$700 million. Deputy Mayor Chu Ti-chih urged local law enforcement to continue cracking down on illegal activities and emphasized the significant decrease in traffic fatalities in 2023. From January to September, there were 188 vehicle accident-related deaths, a 20% reduction compared to the same period last year. Notably, the number of elderly traffic fatalities dropped by 36%, the highest reduction nationwide.
    2023/12/12 17:58
  • 徐懷鈺唱一半突然脫了!白嫩長輩外洩 激裸短褲辣秀鉛筆腿

    徐懷鈺出道25年首次攻蛋,今(7)日舉行「徐懷鈺 2023 倒數三秒小巨蛋演唱會」,她在高空皇冠中開場,氣勢十足,身穿巴洛克風黑蕾絲女王披肩霸氣登場,空降後一連熱唱4首歌曲〈Ti Amo〉、〈叮咚〉、〈Bad Girl〉、〈Call Me〉,同時快速換裝秀,在舞台脫去長裙、短裙、再露開衩短褲,連變3套服裝造型,穿貼身馬甲、露腰又秀美腿,好身材展露無遺。
    2023/10/07 20:32
  • 2021全球清廉印象指數 台灣上升至25名再創新高

    2022/01/25 17:03
  • 農曆春節連假若要PCR 可赴187家自費檢驗指定機構

    中央流行疫情指揮中心於今(25)日表示,為確保農曆春節連假期間COVID-19自費核酸檢驗指定機構檢驗量能,以應民眾出境或出入醫療/照護機構等其他因素檢附COVID-19陰性檢驗證明之需,指揮中心已將農曆春節連假期間提供服務資訊公布於衛生福利部全球資訊網/春節衛福、防疫措施(網址:https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-5380-65644-1.html )及衛生福利部疾病管制署全球資訊網/COVID-19防疫專區/醫療照護機構感染管制相關指引/開放民眾自費檢驗COVID-19申請規定項下(網址:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/MPage/I92jtldmxZO_oolFPzP9HQ ),方便民眾上網查閱。另健保署LINE(點此加入:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40dyk0948w )推出「春節期間自費COV19 PCR這裏找」專區,可以「定位查詢」或「院所名稱」搜尋附近篩檢的醫事服務機構,方便得知收費資訊、採檢模式及時間表、服務網址、電話等資訊。
    2022/01/25 14:36
  • BMW 128ti售價212萬元 22年式1系列配備同步升級

    BMW自1963年打造出第一款ti車型也就是1800TI,而ti其實就是Turismo Internazionale的縮寫,意指壯遊的意思。而全新BMW 128ti則是融入了動感元素以及豪華掀背ti精神打造,台灣市場方面,在車迷的引頸期盼下於11/16正式發表,建議售價為212萬元。
    2021/11/17 12:42
  • 台灣國防貪腐風險低 廉潔指數獲B等級居世界第6

    2021/11/17 12:16
  • BMW前驅鋼砲128ti預售展開 265匹最大馬力!首批限量30台

    BMW總代理汎德於8/26宣布引進全新性能生力軍128ti,ti源自於義大利文Turismo Internazionale縮寫,這個名稱首見於1963年1800TI,後來雙門跑車2002ti在賽車歷史中也有輝煌成績,直到1990年代3系列ti這次演變成更具操控樂趣的掀背車款,這時ti已經成為了象徵操控樂趣的展現。
    2021/08/26 14:05
  • 對手直指Golf GTi BMW 128 ti年底開賣

    你是不是很久沒有在BMW車系裡見到TI系列呢?許多資深車迷可能曉得,TI其實是Turismo Internazionale的縮寫,首次應用在60年代的車款1800 TI,後來也曾在2000 TI和2002 TI上使用。在90年代的時候,則改用小寫字母ti並應用於3系列車款上。
    2020/10/08 10:24
  • 台股關注4焦點 提防利多實現後短多出場

    2019/07/29 07:32
  • 2018清廉印象指數 美國跌出前20名

    2019/01/29 17:17
  • 透明組織:1/3歐洲與中亞民眾憂貪腐誤國

    2016/11/16 15:48
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