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    輝達蘇晏霈分手顏世宗泰國 違規肇事葬送的芙莉蓮蘇晏霈愛情徐東榮台灣唐治平
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    quit 結果共4筆

  • MOL pledges plan to help 330K women reentering the workforce

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has pledged to propose a plan within the next three months to support the 330,000 women in Taiwan who have left the workforce to care for their families. During a legislative interpellation, a Democratic Progressive Party legislator pointed out the government’s oversight of this potential source of manpower, considering the country’s need for more workers. Hsu acknowledged the relatively high number of women who have quit their jobs due to family care duties and stated that the Ministry of Labor is actively promoting measures to help women balance their work and family responsibilities. Suggestions were made to make the parental leave system more flexible and introduce family care leave. Hsu admitted that finding a solution is challenging but expressed her eagerness to address the issue. The Ministry of Labor has commissioned studies to inform their improvement plan, which will be developed in the next three months.
    2023/11/16 17:15
  • Starlux denies allegations of forcing crew members to quit

    Starlux Airlines denies allegations of forcing crew members to quit, insisting that trainees who were dismissed had the option to choose between voluntary and involuntary resignation. Some participants in Starlux’s flight attendant training claimed to have been compelled to sign "voluntary resignation" forms after failing assessments. Former employees cited abrupt changes in the exam system leading to their failure and subsequent forced departure.
    2023/10/30 10:03
  • Taiwan’s quitting trend: Job change interval shortens

    Many office workers in Taiwan appreciate the stability and benefits of their jobs. However, the repetitive nature of day-to-day work may not appeal to everyone.
    2023/07/03 18:40
  • 投票輸就跑?他爆洪慈庸退黨內幕:直接quit是怎樣!

    2019/08/14 09:13
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