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    保外就醫余祥銓樹林陳鑒幼兒園停課 果汁 代理退休女師太魯閣腸病毒
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    Faith 結果共6筆

  • Young couples face trials as Taiwan extends military service

    The first group of conscripts for the one-year compulsory military service in Taipei enlisted on January 25. These 670 young men will undergo an eight-week enlistment training. The extension of mandatory military service, approved by President Tsai Ing-wen last year, has posed emotional challenges for many young couples. Girlfriends accompanied their conscripted boyfriends to the Department of Compulsory Military Service’s Alternative Service Center, offering encouragement and expressing hope that military service would help their partners overcome bad habits and become more responsible. Despite the year-long separation, conscripts expressed faith in their relationships, although they couldn’t help but worry about the lack of constant communication. Various girlfriends reassured their worried boyfriends, saying, "Don’t worry!" The Ministry of National Defense stated that the decision to extend mandatory service was influenced by changing international situations, authoritarianism, defense combat needs, and the intensity of the four-month military training. It was also based on a comparative study of conscription systems in other countries.
    2024/01/25 14:17
  • 英機場新祈禱室「太像公車站」遭批 網諷:跪求車子快來?

    全球各大國際機場幾乎都設有「宗教祈禱室」(Multi-Faith Area),提供來自世界各地不同信仰的旅人有個能靜心祈禱的空間。英國「布里斯托機場」(Bristol Airport)近期就設置全新的戶外祈禱室,不過其酷似公車站的外型在社群媒體上遭到大量網友嘲笑,甚至諷刺地說「是要祈禱車趕快來嗎?」
    2023/11/24 11:00
  • TPP emphasizes role of data science before alliance talks

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held their first staff meeting to discuss a possible election alliance. Key figures at the meeting included representatives from both parties. The TPP expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue and emphasized their faith in data science. The objective of the meeting was to negotiate an outcome acceptable to Taiwanese and supporters of both parties.
    2023/10/14 16:33
  • 奇葩愛情故事/飄洋過海的愛情學分

    2023/08/22 12:13
  • 我與毛孩的故事/永生難忘的情人節

    2023/08/22 09:55
  • 她傳訊給亡姊「我想妳」 2年後突收回覆…一見內容慌了

    美國一名女子費絲(Faith Sidman)非常思念離世的姊姊,所以這2年來有時會傳訊息到姊姊生前使用的手機號碼,一解相思之情,沒想到近日突然收到姊姊的回覆,讓她不安地打開訊息確認,結果看完訊息內容讓她當場驚慌失措,保證不會再傳。
    2022/01/10 15:33
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