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  • Vice President Lai visits China Steel, eyes net-zero goal

    Explore Vice President Lai Ching-te’s visit to China Steel Corporation in Kaohsiung, where he delved into the company’s efforts toward net-zero carbon emissions, highlighting its role in Taiwan’s economic growth and sustainable development.
  • ’Made in Taiwan’ Heineken beer to hit global markets

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, along with officials and Heineken Taiwan’s Managing Director Wu Chien-fu, launched a NT$13.5 billion investment in Pingtung for a net-zero carbon beer factory aimed at the East Asian market, marking Heineken’s deep-rooted expansion in Taiwan.
  • Semiconductor industry optimistic despite challenges

    Discover insights from the "2024 Global Semiconductor Industry Survey" by KPMG, revealing optimism among executives despite challenges, with 85% expecting revenue growth and strategies for supply chain diversification.
  • 幼年遭非法送養!比利時婦人「尋親20年」 驗DNA拼湊身世返台

  • 全美近1300間零售店今年熄燈!瑞銀:五年內恐關4.5萬間店

    隨著人們購物習慣改變,美國部分零售業出現財務困難而難以繼續營運。外媒調查發現,至少有9家零售品牌於今(2024)年宣布將關閉店面,總計有約1280間零售商店將結束營業。其中閉店規模最龐大的,為知名廉價雜貨品牌Dollar Tree旗下的「Family Dollar」,預計今年將關閉至少600間店面。瑞士銀行(UBS)的分析師更預測,接下來的五年內,美國的零售商店關閉數量可能達到45000間。
  • 腸病毒猛爆單週就診破萬人!創10年新高 醫:「這類人」易染重症

  • Taiwan’s economy to grow by 3.29% amid inflation concerns

    Explore the latest economic forecasts for Taiwan as the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research projects a GDP growth of 3.29% and a CPI increase to 2.13%. Amidst stable domestic demand and expanding exports, concerns over rising costs and geopolitical tensions loom. With cautious business investments and the global economic climate’s uncertainties, Taiwan navigates through challenges towards growth.
  • 高雄男大生曝光同學裸照虧「猛男學長A片外漏」 下場曝

  • Taiwan’s tech talent draws NVIDIA for groundbreaking R&D hub

    NVIDIA plans to establish its first Asia-based R&D center and the largest supercomputer in Taiwan, as announced by Chiou Chyou-huey from the MOEA. The decision reflects Taiwan’s allure due to its skilled workforce, semiconductor ecosystem, and ICT capabilities, with over 90% of AI servers manufactured in Taiwan. The focus is on advancing AI technologies and leveraging Taiwan’s manufacturing and biomedical sectors to enhance global AI systems.
  • 嫌女友不檢點!當公務員「上班1穿搭」 他眼神死全場罵翻

  • Pets overtake newborns: Taiwan’s shifting family dynamics

    In Taiwan, pet registrations have surpassed the number of newborns, highlighting a shift towards pet ownership and an increasing demand for pet healthcare. Veterinarians are now more common than pediatricians, with pets often treated as family members.
  • 半夜被地震嚇醒!妹子見吵架男友「1舉動」秒和好:更愛他了

  • 每晚都要對決NBA傳奇球星 「人類精華影片」威金斯最畏懼他

    國泰金控舉辦國際級籃球賽事「2024國泰NBA國際高中邀請賽」,從今(26)天起至28日為期三天活動正式展開,今天也舉辦球星訪談記者會,「法國小跑車」帕克(Tony Parker)和「人類精華影片」威金斯(Dominique Wilkins)分享他們在NBA的心路歷程,威金斯直言當年打NBA時每晚都要對決傳奇球星,當中紐約尼克好手金恩(Bernard King)最讓他畏懼。
  • 甜點控快衝!Mister Donut連5天「甜甜圈買5送5」限時開吃

    歡慶波堤20周年快樂!人氣甜甜圈品牌Mister Donut即日起至4月30日連5天於全門市推出「甜甜圈買5送5」優惠,期間只要任選10個39元甜甜圈,直接下殺半價吃,並開放口味任選,有蜜糖波堤、草莓波堤、草莓巧克力波堤、豆香波堤、雙層巧克力波堤、蜜糖巧克力波堤等選擇,也能補差額換購高價商品。
  • Taiwan aims to cut animal testing by up to 80%

    Discover how Taiwan plans to cut animal testing by 60-80% through alternative methods, highlighting its commitment to ethical scientific practices and leadership in non-animal testing innovations.
  • Cross-Strait relations tense over ECFA tariff changes

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns that China’s reduced tariff concessions under the ECFA could harm cross-strait companies, criticizing China’s trade sanction threats and efforts to attract Taiwanese youth with housing and entrepreneur parks.
  • Cross-Strait tourism: Taiwan ready, awaiting China’s reply

    Explore the ongoing discussions and developments in cross-strait tourism between Taiwan and China, highlighting the efforts and challenges faced by both sides in resuming travel exchanges amidst diplomatic tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Hong Kong’s trade dynamics shift: decline with Taiwan

    Discover the latest trade dynamics in Hong Kong as March 2024 figures reveal shifts in exports and imports with Asian partners, highlighting significant growth and declines with key countries, amidst geopolitical and financial challenges.
  • Google expands in Taiwan with new R&D building

    Google opens its second hardware R&D building in Banqiao, New Taipei City, establishing Taiwan as its largest hardware research base outside the U.S. The facility features over 50 labs and aims to foster hardware and AI innovations with global tech talent. The event was attended by prominent Taiwanese and American officials, highlighting Taiwan’s growing tech industry and Google’s commitment to investing in the region despite geopolitical concerns.
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
  • 帕克來了!法國小跑車讓全場尖叫 印象最深是2014馬刺奪冠

    國泰金控睽違四年,再度舉辦國際級籃球賽事「2024國泰NBA國際高中邀請賽」,從今(26)天起至28日為期三天活動正式展開,今天也舉辦球星訪談記者會,「法國小跑車」帕克(Tony Parker)和「人類精華影片」威金斯(Dominique Wilkins)分享他們在NBA的心路歷程。帕克表示,NBA生涯最難忘的時刻是2014年馬刺奪冠,「馬刺在五年內拿下三座冠軍,但是2014年對手和2013年一樣都是熱火,2013輸掉後隔年調整心態再出發,終於拿到冠軍。」
  • NBA/離橫掃差1勝!湖人雙星空砍59分 金塊「對戰11連勝」聽牌

    系列賽第2戰遭金塊後衛莫瑞(Jamal Murray)絕殺的湖人,在今(26)日重返洛杉磯主場。儘管湖人開賽狀態火燙、一度取得雙位數領先,但金塊在下半場徹底甦醒,全隊4人得分攻破20大關,終場就以112:105勝出,不但取得近期對戰11連勝,離橫掃晉級也只剩一勝之遙。
  • Fu Kun-chi heads to Beijing to promote cross-strait peace

    Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi plans to lead a delegation to Beijing aiming to ease cross-strait tensions and foster peace. The visit, scheduled after the legislative session ends, seeks to reconnect ties and encourage Chinese tourism to Taiwan, amidst criticism of Fu’s close ties with the Chinese government.
  • Bilingual anchors to host inauguration ceremony

    Discover the prestigious announcement of hosts for Taiwan’s 16th presidential and vice-presidential inauguration ceremony and state banquet. Anchors Ethan Liu and Jasmine Liu will lead the ceremony in Taipei, while Kuo Ya-hui and mixed-race model Kevin Tai will charm guests in Tainan, highlighting Taiwan’s diversity and democracy.
  • Lai Ching-te unveils cross-strait team appointments

    President-elect Lai Ching-te announces key national security appointments, naming Chiu Chui-cheng as head of the Mainland Affairs Council and Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan as chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, emphasizing the importance of cross-strait relations and the anticipation for China to engage with Taiwan’s democratically elected government.
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