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    memory 結果共19筆

  • 韓國A咖也買不下手! 朴信惠逛士林夜市驚呼「這東西」太貴了

    韓國演員朴信惠今(20)晚在台北舉行出道20週年年紀念粉絲見面會「2024 Park Shin Hye Asia Tour in TAIPEI〈Memory of Angel〉」,她以一襲粉色碎花洋裝亮相,宛如精靈女神般開場。時隔7年再次來到台灣,朴信惠特地選唱個人第一首單曲〈胳膊枕〉,來表達好久不見的思念之情。粉絲特地以花朵氣球應援,朴信惠在台上看到應援表示因為太感動差點哭出來,覺得真的太驚喜也很幸福。
    2024/04/20 20:43
  • Taiwanese debate the waning festive spirit of Lunar New Year

    Discover the changing "festive spirit" of the Lunar New Year in Taiwan as smaller families and evolving traditions impact the celebrations. From nostalgic memories of firecrackers and street shopping to the rise of phone distractions and travel abroad, the discussion revolves around the meaning of the "memory of festive spirit." Join the debate on the declining vibrancy of family reunion dinners and the overall change in the Lunar New Year atmosphere.
    2024/01/30 15:13
  • ITRI and TSMC unveil breakthrough SOT-MRAM chip technology

    ITRI and TSMC are partnering to develop a SOT-MRAM array chip with lower power consumption and faster operation than STT-MRAM. The new design has potential applications in in-memory computation and is expected to advance the field of high-speed semiconductors. The General Director of ITRI’s Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Laboratories, Chang Shih-chieh, highlighted the chip’s low power consumption and quick 10-nanosecond operating time, which enable improved computational efficiency and expand the potential applications beyond traditional memory-oriented scenarios. The research results were presented at the IEDM, showcasing the technology’s potential for high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and automotive chips. Additionally, ITRI’s focus on non-volatile memory technologies demonstrates their commitment to pushing the boundaries of the domestic semiconductor markets and exploring new areas of application.
    2024/01/17 14:58
  • Wu Feng celebrates 17 Years in Taiwan with a touching tale

    Turkish comedian and long-time Taiwan resident, Ugur Rifat Karlova, also known as Wu Feng, expressed gratitude and warmth for his adopted home in a heartfelt Facebook post. Wu celebrated 17 years of his life in Taiwan, referring to it as his family’s home and a place deserving of cherishing. He shared a moving incident that occurred on New Year’s Eve in a teppanyaki restaurant, where a Taiwanese couple surprised him by settling his bill. Wu expressed his gratitude to the generous man and hoped to reciprocate the favor next time, thanking him for a touching New Year memory for his family.
    2024/01/02 11:31
  • Taipei mayor unveils restored TGH heritage building

    Taipei First Girls High School’s Guangfu Building, a municipal heritage site, has reopened after a two-year renovation. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the unveiling ceremony and expressed gratitude to alumni for their donations. The Guangfu Building, constructed in 1933, is the most iconic structure of the high school. The Taipei City Government allocated over NT$100 million to support the restoration project, with additional contributions from alumni worldwide. Mayor Chiang reminisced about his school days and expressed the hope that all students would share the memory of this significant landmark.
    2023/12/12 19:41
  • Elderly man’s 350km wrong turn ends in New Taipei

    A 71-year-old man from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, accidentally rode his motorbike for 38 hours, covering 350 kilometers, after taking a wrong turn while returning home from visiting his daughter in Taitung. Physically exhausted, he sought help from a local shop in Sanxia, New Taipei City, where the storekeepers contacted the police. Reluctant to trouble his daughter, the man initially withheld her contact information, but eventually provided it after the officers communicated with him. Since his daughter couldn’t reach him quickly, she asked relatives in northern Taiwan to assist. The police took care of the man at the station until his relatives arrived to ensure his safe return home. This incident highlights the compassionate response from the authorities and the community to an elder’s misadventure.
    2023/12/09 14:06
  • Western Digital announces price hike following Samsung

    Western Digital Corporation (WD) has announced that it will increase prices in response to the recent price hikes in the memory chip industry. Following Samsung’s 20% price increase, WD has informed its downstream channels and contract manufacturers that hard drive products will be subject to weekly price reviews, with adjustments expected to begin in the first half of next year. The company has projected that the cumulative increase in NAND Flash prices could reach up to 55%. These price increases align with the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization’s projection of a 44.8% revenue growth in the memory market for the coming year. Market research firm Gartner has estimated an even more significant surge, predicting a 66.3% increase in memory market revenue. While this suggests a strong demand for memory products, it also indicates rising costs for manufacturers and potentially higher prices for consumers in the technology sector.
    2023/12/07 18:59
  • Global semiconductor revenue to soar 13.1% in 2024

    The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) predicts a 13.1% surge in global semiconductor revenue for 2024, reaching US$588.364 billion. Memory products are expected to be the main driver, with a projected revenue jump of 44.8%. In contrast, current-year revenues are estimated to decline by 9.4% to approximately US$520.126 billion. WSTS has revised its current-year revenue predictions due to better-than-expected performances in certain end markets. Discrete semiconductors are projected to grow by 5.8% in 2023, while optoelectronic products, sensors, and integrated circuits are anticipated to experience declines of 3%, 10.9%, and 8.9% respectively. Europe is the only market expected to expand, with a growth rate of 5.9%, while the American market is predicted to decline by 6.1%, Japan by 2%, and the Asia-Pacific region by 14.4%. In 2024, growth is anticipated across all major markets and semiconductor product categories, including memory, discrete semiconductors, optoelectronics, and sensors. Europe is predicted to grow by 4.3%, Japan by 4.4%, the American market by 22.3%, and the Asia-Pacific region by 12%.
    2023/11/29 18:00
  • Semiconductor revenue expected to rebound by 11% in 2024

    The global semiconductor revenue is projected to drop by approximately 12% in 2023 but is expected to rebound by more than 11% next year, reaching a total revenue of US$550 billion, according to International Business Strategies (IBS). Major semiconductor companies, including Intel Corp, TSMC, and Samsung Electronics, have indicated that the industry downturn has passed. Although Samsung Electronics’ profit for Q3 fell 38%, inventory is returning to normal levels, and oversupply is easing due to production cutbacks. Samsung’s deputy head of the Memory Division suggests that the recovery trend could continue into next year. Despite challenges such as inflation, the war in Ukraine, and clashes between Israel and Hamas, the semiconductor market recovery reflects the resilience of the global economy.
    2023/11/02 20:42
  • 「Memory」傳唱全球 七月登台續唱經典

    2023/06/19 23:19
  • 「Memory」抒情詠嘆調 成就音樂劇貓傳奇

    2023/05/09 23:31
  • 《貓》旋律傳唱40年 感動全球千萬粉絲

    2021/04/19 23:11
  • 重現華麗舞台布景 《貓劇6月登台》

    2021/03/23 23:24
  • 百位名伶歌手傳唱 《回憶》成《貓》經典

    2018/02/22 22:13
  • 詐騙集團害死人! 自閉少年誤信驚慌自盡

    (圖片來源:Fake Police Email Scam in Memory of Joseph Edwards 臉書)
    2015/01/29 14:59
  • 一飽耳福!「貓」劇女主角獻唱「Memory」

    2006/12/24 10:04
  • 貓劇台北登場 馬英九唱MEMORY

    2004/07/03 20:09
  • 【貓劇專訪】百老匯「貓」劇來台 TVBS一賭名劇

    主持人方念華︰「各位觀眾朋友您好,我是方念華,歡迎您準時鎖定這個時段的TVBS新聞頻道特別報導,真的是相當特別,我想很多人都聽過,全球最知名的音樂劇之一「貓」,今年7月就要在台北再次的上演,而今天我們很有榮幸能夠在我們的新聞頻道裡面,現場聆聽貓劇裡面最為膾炙人口的歌曲,在這裡我們邀請到一位非常特別的貴賓,在貓劇最近三年的全球巡演當中,大家耳熟能詳,最知名的主題曲,「Memory」,就是由她主唱,讓我們一起來歡迎這位,非常特別的女歌星,也是貓劇的女主角絲琳狄蕾。絲琳,歡迎光臨TVBS,你好,喵!我該這樣,跟初次見面的你打招呼嗎?」絲琳狄蕾︰「沒錯。」方念華︰「何不跟我們的觀眾打聲招呼呢?」絲琳狄蕾︰「喵。」 方念華︰「真有趣,首先可以請你介紹劇中飾演的角色葛麗茲貝拉嗎?因為有些觀眾可能沒有機會親自到現場觀賞貓劇的演出,我們想多瞭解這個角色。」 絲琳狄蕾︰「葛麗茲貝拉是劇中年長的貓之一,她是唯一離開貓群去追尋更美好的事物,她到外面體驗自己渴望的事物,但好景不常,生活變的相當艱苦,她必須回到貓群裡,當她渴望回去時,其他貓群不希望她加入,她不斷嘗試讓其他貓群瞭解,藉由對話溝通,祈求讓他們體諒接納,告訴他們她在外面經歷體驗的一切風霜,還有她達成的願望,但他們一點都不領情,不想讓她回來,然而她還是不斷的嘗試,直到後來終於得到首領老誡律伯諒解。」 方念華︰「讓她不畏眾貓目光回來的動力,是她的驕傲和自尊,她很傷心難過。」絲琳狄蕾︰「對,她內心非常脆弱,但她自尊依然存在,讓她繼續勇敢堅強的面對未來,最後其他貓群終於被她說服,結尾所有貓都興然接受她回來。」 方念華︰「你在音樂劇裡飾演葛麗茲貝拉,她是核心角色。」絲琳狄蕾︰「對,她是核心人物。」方念華︰「是很相當細膩的角色。」絲琳狄蕾︰「情緒起伏非常大,幾乎貫穿了這部戲,舉手投足都影響舞台上氣氛,她是劇中最富戲劇轉折的角色,我想看劇的觀眾就能親身體會到。」 方念華︰「沒錯,我們稍後再討論她的內心轉變,你在三年前接下這個角色時,會發現飾演貓很具挑戰性嗎?因為很多人都有飼養寵物的經驗,大家對貓狗這些人類最好的朋友,都會懷抱幻想。」絲琳狄蕾︰「事實上我不喜歡貓。」
    2004/05/29 12:40
  • 一首Memory 讓絲琳和方念華眼眶泛紅

    2004/05/28 18:56
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