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    daniel 結果共162筆

  • 老鼠啃破牆、天花板砸幼兒!「最爛房東」700項違規根本虐待房客

    紐約市以高昂租金聞名,但人們花了大筆金錢租下房子,卻可能才是惡夢的開始。被稱為「紐約最爛房東」的丹尼爾(Daniel Ohebshalom)日前因「刻意創造危險居住環境」逼迫房客搬離,再重新整修高價賣出而遭到檢察官起訴。房客指控他冬天惡意斷水斷熱、大門故意不裝鎖,牆壁也被老鼠啃破一個大洞卻不處理,甚至還有一名幼兒因突然坍塌的天花板而遭到砸傷。而這位惡房東早在3月初,就因為700多項公寓違規而遭到判刑入獄。
  • Taiwan to face six days of unpredictable weather ahead

    Explore the forecast for Taiwan as it faces six days of rain starting April 23, with a warning from Daniel Wu of National Central University about unstable atmospheric conditions due to a lingering front and strong southwestern winds. Prior to the rainy period, hot temperatures and potential thunderstorms are expected, with precautions advised against sunburn and heatstroke. The weather pattern is predicted to continue with the front’s movement around Taiwan.
    2024/04/22 12:15
  • 與台灣同病相憐?厄瓜多頻缺電 總統宣布進入緊急狀態

    能源危機導致南美國家厄瓜多實施限電措施,總統諾波亞(Daniel Noboa)今天再度宣布進入緊急狀態。
    2024/04/20 12:49
  • Warm weekend ahead for Taiwan with sunny skies and showers

    Explore Taiwan’s weather forecast with Daniel Wu, a meteorologist and adjunct associate professor at National Central University. Expect a warm weekend with scattered showers, sunny spells, and potential fog across various regions. Wu advises on precautions against sunburn and heatstroke as temperatures might soar to 36 degrees Celsius. Anticipate a frontal system bringing brief showers and atmospheric instability in the coming days, yet with continued warm conditions.
    2024/04/12 10:03
  • Electricity price hike to drive up costs: business heads

    Discover how Fubon Financial Holding Chair Daniel Tsai predicts a rise in commodity prices following an electricity price increase in Taiwan. Gain insights from industry leaders like Tung Tzu-hsien of Pegatron Corp on the impact of electricity costs on manufacturing and services sectors, and the necessity of reducing government subsidies. Stay informed on economic growth projections and the interplay between electricity prices and overall market dynamics.
    2024/03/28 17:59
  • 新一代007龐德是他? 「快銀」亞倫強森傳將接下重任

    曾出演漫威反派角色「快銀」(Quicksilver)的英國演員亞倫‧強森(Aaron Taylor-Johnson),近期被傳出將接演新一代詹姆斯龐德(James Bond),綜合《太陽報》等英媒報導,這位曾出演過《特種部隊》和漫威系列電影的演員,已「正式被給予」這份飾演007傳奇間諜角色的機會,該角色原先由丹尼爾‧克雷格(Daniel Craig)主演,但克雷格在過去16年主演5部系列電影後,2021年宣佈從龐德一角退役。下一部龐德電影將是系列第26部。《BBC》已經與亞倫強森接洽尋求回應,負責製作龐德電影的「Eon Productions」表示,他們不對臆測發表任何評論,而有一位內部人士告訴英國廣播公司,聲稱這些傳聞都「沒有事實根據」。事實上,打從克雷格「退隱」後,外界對於誰將接演這個傳奇角色,早已出現各種臆測人選。
    2024/03/20 11:52
  • Chilly winds hit northern Taiwan as temperatures drop

    Stay updated on the weather forecast for Northern Taiwan as temperatures are set to drop due to an approaching front. Learn from Daniel Wu, an expert in Atmospheric Sciences, about the cold air mass expected to arrive mid-week and the improving weather conditions thereafter. Experience a mix of cloudy and clear skies, along with occasional rain showers, as the region transitions from chilly weather to gradually warming temperatures over the weekend.
    2024/03/18 10:45
  • US reinforces Taiwan’s ally ties amid China’s expansion

    U.S. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink highlights cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan, alongside allies Tuvalu, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, to counter China’s expansion. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee discusses U.S. strategies for the Pacific islands, focusing on American and Chinese influence in the region, with references to Taiwan’s diplomatic status and China’s economic incentives to influence Nauru. The U.S. warns Nauru and Taiwan’s allies against China’s unfulfilled promises, with efforts like the Taiwan International Solidarity Act to counter China’s manipulation of Taiwan’s international role.
    2024/03/15 16:54
  • NBA/當代最強餅王!加福德跨局「連進33球」 獨行俠退殘陣勇

    NBA賽季來到尾段,力求鎖定附加賽資格的勇士不僅在日前傷了王牌柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、更在台灣時間14日踢館獨行俠的比賽中,損失因背傷休兵的禁區悍將格林(Draymond Green),而近五戰已經吞下三敗的勇士,此役在殘血陣容下兵敗達拉斯,以99比109的最終比分無緣客場之旅首勝;獨行俠主控唐西奇(Luka Doncic)則是大三元紀錄遭到中斷。
    2024/03/14 11:39
  • Taiwan shivers: CWA warns of temperatures dropping

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan with this story from Taipei. The Central Weather Administration has issued an "orange" signal cold surge advisory for Keelung City and New Taipei City, indicating temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius or lower. Former CWA Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu predicts a drop to below 9 degrees. Be prepared with your umbrellas as isolated showers are expected across the country.
    2024/03/07 13:55
  • Sunny skies ahead: Taiwan’s weather forecast reveals warmth

    Stay updated on the latest weather forecast in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts sunny and stable conditions today and tomorrow. Expect temperatures around 22 to 31 degrees Celsius across different regions, with a shift to a southwesterly wind on Tuesday bringing mostly sunny skies but possible scattered showers in the south. By Thursday, a cold air mass from China will bring colder temperatures, especially in the northern and northeastern regions. Stay informed with expert Daniel Wu’s model simulation hinting at the possibility of brief showers in northern regions by Sunday.
    2024/03/04 10:00
  • NBA/籲唐西奇釋放球權!哈德威喊「讓我兒子來」:你還更輕鬆

    迎來華盛頓(PJ Washington)、加福德(Daniel Gafford)後的獨行俠,不僅防守效率今非昔比,也在斬獲四連勝的同時、於進攻端有更加亮眼的表現;然而談到當家王牌唐西奇(Luka Doncic)的帶隊風格,卻讓名將哈德威(Tim Hardaway)頗有微詞,認為他應該減少運球,讓包含愛子小哈德威(Tim Hardaway Jr.)在內的其他球員多參與戰術跑動。
    2024/02/23 13:33
  • NBA/獨行俠進補「全能長人」!禁區戰力飆升 咖哩弟夢迴黃蜂

    NBA季中交易截止日來臨,聯盟各隊也抓緊時間補強戰力,除了尼克在外線戰力的升級值得關注外,獨行俠在與黃蜂、巫師及雷霆的交易中,不僅順利甩脫了表現不如預期的威廉斯(Grant Williams)、還一舉補進兩大長人,禁區戰力大增。
    2024/02/09 09:29
  • Daniel Wong集十年大成 GOOD DAY藝術展打造百隻米奇雕塑品

    去年迪士尼迎接百年盛事,華裔設計師Daniel Wong個人品牌也邁入十年里程碑,雙方再度合作打造GOOD DAY藝術展,以Daniel Wong獨到的潮流印花概念,結合Yawning Mickey Mouse雕米奇雕塑,以匠心設計為百年經典注入全新生命,展覽從去年延續到今年二月,帶領觀者看見Daniel Wong十年藝術歷程,也讓米奇陪伴參觀民眾度過美好一天。
    2024/01/26 16:59
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap with warming trend on horizon

    Taiwan’s northern and northeastern regions are experiencing cold temperatures, with the mercury hovering around 10 degrees Celsius or lower. Despite a weakening cold wave, warmer weather is expected next week. The Central Weather Administration has issued a cold warning for 17 cities, urging residents to take precautions. Friday’s humidity will decrease, with mostly sunny to cloudy weather in regions south of Hsinchu. However, areas facing the wind, such as the northern coast of Keelung, parts of the east, the Hengchun Peninsula, and the mountainous areas of Taipei, may still see localized rain. Former CWA Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu predicts a wind transition from northeastern to easterly and then southeasterly from Monday to Thursday, leading to a daily rise in temperature. This shift will bring clear weather in the west and sporadic, brief rain in the east, with the possibility of fog in western regions and surrounding Kinmen and Matsu islands.
    2024/01/26 14:20
  • Daniel Wu slams Barbie’s new Asian doll stereotypes

    Hong Kong actor Daniel Wu criticizes Barbie’s new doll collection, claiming it perpetuates stereotypes about Asians. The dolls were released following the success of the "Barbie" film in 2023, which grossed over US $1.4 billion. The Asian doll in the collection, portrayed as a violinist or a panda doctor, has faced strong backlash from Wu and others. Wu expressed his concerns on Weibo, suggesting that the limited options for the Asian doll reinforce parental expectations rather than promoting genuine diversity. His post has garnered widespread support online, with many users agreeing that the doll design demonstrates a lack of understanding of Asians by the toy’s creators.
    2024/01/22 18:01
  • Taiwan prepares for chilly blast as temperatures set to drop

    Taiwan is preparing for a cold wave that will bring temperatures as low as 7 degrees Celsius along the coast, according to meteorological expert Daniel Wu. The temperatures in different regions of Taiwan on Monday will vary, with northern areas dropping from 14 to 7 degrees, central areas ranging from 9 to 21 degrees, southern regions from 10 to 24 degrees, and eastern zones from 9 to 21 degrees. Snow is expected to fall in high-altitude areas such as Lala Mountain, Mount Hehuan, Qixing Mountain, and Datun Mountain. The cold front will engulf the entire island from Tuesday to Thursday morning, causing temperatures to plummet even further, potentially dipping below 5 degrees in some plains regions. Local rain is expected in areas north of the central region and the eastern half on Tuesday, with showers in the eastern section on Wednesday. Residents are advised to dress warmly. The cold wave is predicted to gradually weaken from Thursday to the following Sunday, with temperatures rising across the island. Greater Taipei will remain mostly cloudy, while areas south of Taoyuan will experience clear and stable weather, with brief local showers possible in the eastern half.
    2024/01/22 12:42
  • 中職/戰力補強!中信兄弟再簽2洋投 具大聯盟經驗

    中華職棒中信兄弟球團今(17)天公佈開季洋將陣容,除了有傷癒歸隊的象魔力(Shawn Morimando)以及完成續約的德保拉(José De Paula)之外,球團再簽下2位具有美國職棒以及韓國職棒資歷的投手猛登(Daniel Joseph Mengden)與克迪(Kirkland McCarty),預計月底加入球隊訓練,期待四位洋助人加入球隊後,能夠幫助中信兄弟在今年球季重返榮耀。
    2024/01/17 13:50
  • NBA/快艇大麻煩!祖巴茨小腿拉傷至少缺陣4週 禁區防線拉警報

    快艇在季初交易獲得哈登(James Harden)後,雖吞下一波6連敗,但隨著球員們磨合漸入佳境,如今反而是以25勝14負暫列西區第4。不過,快艇當家中鋒祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac)卻在此時遭遇右小腿扭傷,預計至少會缺席4週的時間,不排除會一路休養至明星週結束後再回歸。
    2024/01/17 10:50
  • 重犯剛越獄!厄瓜多電視台遭蒙面歹徒闖入 直播中囂張秀炸藥

    厄瓜多「頭號通緝犯」、犯罪集團Los Choneros首腦馬西亞士(Jose Adolfo Macias)近日逃獄,總統諾博亞(Daniel Noboa)8日宣布全國進入60天緊急狀態,指示軍警展開搜捕。未料該國9日又發生緊急事件,一間電視台遭一群蒙面武裝份子闖入,持槍威脅工作人員,所幸最後全遭逮捕。
    2024/01/10 10:08
  • 頭號通緝犯牢房拍片囂張越獄 厄瓜多宣布全國進入緊急狀態逮人

    南美國家厄瓜多治安敗壞、黑幫猖獗、毒品氾濫,國內「頭號通緝犯」、犯罪集團Los Choneros首腦馬西亞士(Jose Adolfo Macias)近日從安全警戒最高層級的監獄中逃脫,總統諾博亞(Daniel Noboa)8日宣布,國家進入為期60天緊急狀態,準備大動員追緝馬西亞士。
    2024/01/09 11:02
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap, temps to plunge to 8°C

    Get the latest weather update for Taiwan. Temperatures are expected to increase slightly following the weakening of a mainland cold air mass. However, a more potent cold front is predicted to sweep in on Tuesday, with temperatures potentially dropping as low as 8°C on Thursday and Friday in the plains. The Central Weather Administration reports chilly temperatures ranging from 14-17°C in northern regions and Yilan, while central and southern areas are slightly warmer at 16-27°C. Greater Taipei and parts of the eastern half of the country may experience brief local showers, while other areas will remain mostly clear to cloudy. Dress warmly and be prepared for significant diurnal temperature variation in the western half. A frontal system on Tuesday brings a chance of rain to the north, followed by a stronger cold air mass on Wednesday with temperatures potentially falling to 10-11°C. Independent meteorologist Daniel Wu predicts the cold spell to peak between Thursday evening and Friday morning, with temperatures around 8°C, possibly making this cold air mass even more intense and enduring than its predecessor. The effects of the new cold front will continue until Saturday morning, leading to persistent wet and cold conditions in northern Taiwan, with central and southern parts experiencing a mix of clouds and clear skies. Stay vigilant regarding health and warmth due to these significant weather fluctuations.
    2023/12/18 20:30
  • Chilly weekend ahead for Taiwan, expert warns

    The story reports a significant drop in temperatures across Taiwan, with lows of 12 to 13 degrees Celsius in some areas and 14 to 17 degrees in others. Weather specialist Daniel Wu predicts cold conditions throughout Saturday, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of the island. Wu advises the public to take measures to stay warm. The northern parts and eastern half of Taiwan may experience local, brief periods of rain, with more significant rain expected in the north and northeast regions. Temperatures are expected to rebound on Monday but another wave of cold weather is anticipated by Wednesday.
    2023/12/16 10:44
  • Taiwan to see sun, approaching rain as cold front nears

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has forecasted sunny to partly cloudy skies across Taiwan and its outlying islands on Friday (Dec. 15), with a front bringing brief rain showers to the north, northeast, and Matsu in the evening. A continental polar air mass will move in the next day, resulting in a drop in temperatures and damp, cold weather that will persist through Monday. Independent meteorologist Daniel Wu predicts that a stronger wave of cold air will arrive on Tuesday (Dec. 19), potentially marking the season’s first cold wave. Brief showers are expected in the northern and eastern parts of Taiwan from Saturday, with lows around 12 degrees Celsius in some metropolitan areas. Rain will pause on Monday until Tuesday afternoon, followed by another wave of cold air from Tuesday evening to Friday (Dec. 22). Weather models suggest that this wave might reach the strength of a strong continental cold air mass, with the potential for it to be upgraded to a cold wave. The cold is expected to gradually weaken by Saturday, Dec. 23.
    2023/12/15 15:40
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