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    TVBS Focus 結果共1,185筆

  • Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki conducts quiet visit to Taiwan

    Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki made a low-profile visit to Taiwan from November 23 to 25, where he met with key figures including Su Jia-chyuan, the president of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (TJRA), and Paul Hsu, the Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC). The focus of Tamaki’s trip was on meetings with economic and tourism-related groups from Okinawa, with no official engagements with Taiwanese government entities. During his visit, Tamaki expressed gratitude to Su for discussions aimed at fostering tourism and economic exchanges between Taiwan and Okinawa. The primary objective of Tamaki’s visit was to explore business cooperation, engaging with Japanese business representatives and Okinawan officials in discussions. Both parties anticipate swift progress toward further collaboration, and an invitation was extended for Tamaki to revisit Taiwan and for a Taiwanese group to enjoy Wagyu beef in Okinawa. The exchange concluded with the mutual presentation of local specialties as mementos of their meeting.
    2023/11/25 17:07
  • Lai Ching-te leads Taiwan election poll by narrow margin

    The latest poll from the "Formosa" website reveals a close race in Taiwan’s presidential election, with Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leading by a slim margin of 31.4%, followed closely by Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) at 31.1%. Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) trails in third place with 25.2%, over 6 percentage points behind the front-runners. Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung, speaking on TVBS Situation Room, analyzed the situation, highlighting that the close polling between Hou and Ko does not give Lai a significant advantage. However, he cautioned against calls for a collaboration between the KMT and TPP at this time. Shen further explained that in presidential system countries like Taiwan, cooperation talks are not typically pursued, unlike in parliamentary systems where post-election coalitions may form. With the widening gap in support between Hou and Ko, Shen urged political observers to abandon the idea of a pan-blue alliance. He also emphasized that if the KMT aims to surpass the DPP in the upcoming elections, they should focus on diminishing the TPP’s support and consolidating the pan-blue vote without relying on a formal alliance.
    2023/11/25 14:04
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
  • 大陸爆發呼吸道感染 醫院擠滿「小」病童

    2023/11/24 15:22
  • President Tsai Ing-wen reviews conscription training program

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen inspects the new military conscription training program at Taichung’s military center, Cheng Kung Lingg. The Ministry of National Defense confirms the first batch of one-year conscripts will begin service on Jan. 25. The initial training for new recruits has been extended to eight weeks, with a focus on battlefield conditions. The training includes battlefield medical aid, advancing under simulated enemy fire, and rigorous final evaluations. The program also features shooting with night vision goggles and a live grenade-throwing exercise. President Tsai observes machine gun training and notes an increase in rounds fired. After basic training, soldiers will be assigned to units based on their interests and expertise. Approximately 9,127 individuals are expected to be drafted next year. The first group of conscripts can report for duty before the Lunar New Year and spend time with their families.
    2023/11/23 17:50
  • Hsiao Bi-khim vows to focus on serving the nation

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s vice-presidential candidate, expressed concern about the dark "vortex" of Taiwanese politics but remains focused on serving the nation without distraction. During a media session, Hsiao acknowledged her role in promoting the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and negotiations for the "Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement." She highlighted bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress and efforts to propose legislative drafts. Hsiao also discussed tackling unanticipated issues such as supply chain resilience and securing vaccines during her time in the U.S. She emphasized the challenges stemming from Taiwan’s unique international status and the unfair treatment of Taiwanese in the global arena. Hsiao sees the resilience of the Taiwanese people as a strength, allowing them to pragmatically seek paths to their goals. She believes her life experiences have fortified her to face challenges with greater strength.
    2023/11/23 16:31
  • 大陸流行「黴漿菌肺炎」候診要等超過24小時

    2023/11/23 15:18
  • 東北亞情勢緊張 南北韓終止919軍事協議

    2023/11/23 15:17
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《遠見雜誌》分析台企往瑞士轉移的契機

    2023/11/22 15:29
  • 再加碼1億軍援!美防長奧斯汀突訪基輔

    2023/11/22 15:29
  • 盼以巴衝突停火 阿拉伯及伊斯蘭國家外團訪北京

    2023/11/21 14:46
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《報導者》聚焦台海危機下的沖繩

    2023/11/21 14:46
  • 美晶片禁令反效果?大陸包辦全球五大廠4成營收

    美國對中國大陸的晶片禁令持續擴大,大陸媒體形容,這是「全方位無死角」的禁令升級禁令,要堵死大陸向AI革命的進階之路,未來只能靠自力研發製造。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(20日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人吳姝叡線上訪問表示,「由於美國對中國大陸實施的先進半導體貿易限制,導致中國大陸企業大量囤積相關設備,根據彭博數據顯示,大型晶片製造設備從從大陸獲得的營收比重大幅提升,全球五大晶片製造設備商上一季的營收超過40%來自大陸客戶,Google母公司執行長就指出,大陸將走在AI的最前線,因此美國和大陸的合作是非常重要的,而彭博彙編的數據顯示,科林研發(Lam Research) 將近一半的營收由大陸客戶貢獻,東京威力科創(Tokyo Electron)上一季來自大陸的營收比重達到42.8%,創下歷史新高,至於荷蘭的艾司摩爾(ASML)儘管不能銷售其最先進、獲利也最豐厚的微影系統到大陸,但在當地的銷售仍占很大的一部分營收。」
    2023/11/20 14:42
  • Trump threatens to revoke Biden’s IPEF framework if elected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump has stated that he would revoke current President Joe Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) if he wins the 2024 presidential election. Trump argues that the IPEF could negatively impact the American manufacturing industry and lead to increased unemployment rates. The U.S. previously withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) due to similar concerns. Negotiations for Biden’s IPEF began in September 2022, with a focus on major southern powers like India and Indonesia, aiming to promote economic cooperation and exclude China. The IPEF includes countries such as Australia, Singapore, Japan, and 10 other Indo-Pacific nations, constituting about 40% of the global GDP. It emphasizes fair and resilient trade, supply chain resilience, and clean energy. Taiwan’s chief trade negotiator expressed the country’s interest in monitoring the IPEF’s development and presenting a proposal for Taiwan’s inclusion at the appropriate time. President Tsai Ing-wen has also expressed Taiwan’s desire to join the IPEF, believing it would create more business opportunities for Taiwanese and U.S. companies.
    2023/11/20 12:11
  • 尹錫悅出席APEC 將與岸田文雄舉行首腦會談

    2023/11/16 15:47
  • APEC不只拜習會 日相岸田文雄也想談

    2023/11/15 15:50
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《天下雜誌》探討年輕世代的工作觀

    2023/11/15 15:50
  • 雙11優惠力度高 港人北上深圳買黃金

    2023/11/14 14:52
  • 拜習會讓中美關係回溫?學者:2指標

    2023/11/13 15:35
  • Ko is the main force splitting KMT votes: Yao Li-ming

    The story discusses the role of Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), in splitting the Kuomintang (KMT) votes since the 2018 Taipei Mayoral election. Yao Li-ming, campaign director for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te, claims that the DPP’s decision to nominate Pasuya Yao for the mayoral race was a strategic move to distinguish themselves from Ko. Yao also highlights how Ko has shifted his focus away from securing the green camp’s vote in the 2022 election. Additionally, Yao argues that the KMT and TPP cannot form a union due to their differing natures and suggests that the potential candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou has a greater impact on Ko and Hou than on Lai.
    2023/11/13 15:34
  • 想自主監視北韓 南韓月底發射自製偵察衛星

    2023/11/10 14:43
  • 互別苗頭!拜習會前夕 大陸強化稀土出口禁令

    美國財政部長葉倫與中國大陸副總理何立峰展開會面,也為15日即將到來的拜習會做準備,不過,中國大陸商務部卻在稍早之前,宣布加強稀土出口管理,將稀土列入「實行出口報告的能源資源產品目錄」,要求外貿企業出口相關產品時,須履行資訊報告義務。TVBS北京特派林閔榛今(10日)於《FOCUS國際話題》中,接受主持人吳安琪線上訪問說明,「大陸商務部7日宣布加強稀土出口管理,時間從今年10月31日至2025年 10月31日,總計長達兩年,此外,因近期美國財政部長葉倫和大陸副總理何立峰在美會晤,月中APEC的拜習會也在暖身中,就有評論認為,大陸在這個時間點公布稀土的管理新規定,凸顯的是美中檯面上和氣協商,但檯面下科技肉搏戰還沒停火。」
    2023/11/10 14:43
  • 拜習會再談台海問題?美學者:恐無新進展

    2023/11/09 14:18
  • 去風險化!大陸外資負債達118億美元

    2023/11/09 14:17
  • Biden, Xi to discuss Taiwan at APEC meeting, says expert

    U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet in San Francisco on November 15, with Taiwan as a key focus of their discussions, according to an expert from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The meeting agenda includes four main issues: Taiwan, fentanyl containment, Israel-Hamas conflict, and climate change response. It is expected that Xi will seek Biden’s reiteration of the United States’ stance against Taiwan’s independence, as Beijing considers Taiwan a part of China and opposes its independence. Additionally, Xi may anticipate Biden’s affirmation that the U.S. does not favor any specific political party in the Taiwan presidential elections. This summit marks a direct face-to-face dialogue between the leaders since their talks during the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.
    2023/11/09 12:34
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