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    R 結果共10,000筆

  • 柯震東親167CM許瑋甯「快扭傷」 自爆身高網大驚:看不出來!

  • 中職/台鋼邀高雄特搜隊開球!萬斯嗨跑外野去、萌犬羅傑不還球

  • Tainan councilor seeks national status for local art museum

    Discover how Tainan City Councilor Chen Yi-chen is pushing for the Tainan Art Museum to gain national recognition and secure central government funding for sustainable growth.
  • Thousands march in Taipei for Labour Day rights

    Discover the key issues raised during the Labour Day march in Taipei, where 4,000 rallied for better labor rights, criticizing low wages and long hours. Learn about their demands for the incoming government.
  • AI traffic cameras effective, but boost public frustration

    Discover how Taiwan’s intensified traffic enforcement and new camera technology are effectively reducing traffic violations and accidents, sparking debates about fairness and communication.
  • FSC ramps up fight against credit card fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is stepping up its game against credit card fraud with new measures to protect consumers from phishing scams and unauthorized transactions. Learn about the enhanced security steps being taken.
  • Price hike essential for stable power supply: MOEA

    Taiwan’s economic minister emphasized the necessity of a power price hike to address rising international fuel costs, but the Legislative Yuan voted to halt the hike due to public opposition. The decision raises concerns about Taipower’s financial stability and power supply.
  • 簡慶芬和Rebecca愛恨糾葛如量子力學? 物理學家解碼量子糾纏

  • Taiwan, Japan deepen ties with high-level delegation visit

    Discover how Taiwan and Japan are strengthening their ties through annual visits and critical discussions on cybersecurity, regional security, and mutual support. Read about Foreign Minister Joseph Wu’s dinner with Japan’s delegation.
  • 特斯拉又裁員!「超級充電」500人團隊全軍覆沒 股價跌6%

    電動車龍頭特斯拉(Tesla)再次傳出裁員,最新一波受影響的是負責超級充電站(Supercharger)的團隊,一口氣有500名員工面臨失業,包含該部門資深總監理貝卡(Rebecca Tinucci)也不例外,幾乎讓整個團隊全軍覆沒。此一消息曝光後,不只讓先前選擇採用特斯拉充電規格的同行感到困惑,同時也讓特斯拉股價在前幾天嚐到甜頭後,1日應聲下挫6%。
  • Taiwan’s president-elect vows to boost worker rights

    Discover how Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te pledges to enhance labor rights, promote economic growth, and improve work-life balance for families, starting with a flexible parental leave trial in June.
  • Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm

    Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
  • Taiwan enters plum rain season with frequent showers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s plum rain season, starting in May, with insights from weather expert Peng Chi-ming. Expect frequent rainfall, thunderstorms, and safety reminders for outdoor activities.
  • 粉絲哭哭!星際大戰「彩繪機」 5/4最後一次來台

  • 一探量子奧秘! TVBS推新書《量子糾纏:黑爾戈蘭島的奇幻旅程》

    隨著全球科技巨頭紛紛投入量子計算與量子通訊的研究,量子技術的應用前景被無限擴大,在未來的科技革命中,量子力學無疑將佔據核心地位,作為科技媒體的領導品牌,TVBS高度關注最新發展,並透過深入報導和專業解析,為觀眾提供關於這門將影響下一世代的重要科技理論最新資訊,繼《Focus全球新聞》與台灣重要科學刊物《科學人》雜誌跨界合作,製作量子新科技、AI技術、核子武器等多個科學專題報導後,5月再推出當代知名義大利理論物理學家,卡羅.羅維理博士( Carlo Rovelli)的作品《量子糾纏---黑爾戈蘭島的奇幻旅程》中文版,邀請國立臺灣師範大學理學院副院長、永續所所長方偉達博士,擔任翻譯,期望中文讀者也能進一步了解量子理論的奧秘。
  • 一探量子奧秘! TVBS推新書《量子糾纏:黑爾戈蘭島的奇幻旅程》

    隨著全球科技巨頭紛紛投入量子計算與量子通訊的研究,量子技術的應用前景被無限擴大,在未來的科技革命中,量子力學無疑將佔據核心地位,作為科技媒體的領導品牌,TVBS高度關注最新發展,並透過深入報導和專業解析,為觀眾提供關於這門將影響下一世代的重要科技理論最新資訊,繼《Focus全球新聞》與台灣重要科學刊物《科學人》雜誌跨界合作,製作量子新科技、AI技術、核子武器等多個科學專題報導後,5月再推出當代知名義大利理論物理學家,卡羅.羅維理博士( Carlo Rovelli)的作品《量子糾纏---黑爾戈蘭島的奇幻旅程》中文版,邀請國立臺灣師範大學理學院副院長、永續所所長方偉達博士,擔任翻譯,期望中文讀者也能進一步了解量子理論的奧秘。
  • 不甩美國、歐盟警告 以色列總理堅持進攻拉法「消滅哈瑪斯」

    雖然美國與歐盟多國相繼提出警告,要求以色列不要輕易對巴勒斯坦邊境城市拉法(Rafah)發動地面攻擊,避免造成大量無辜平民死傷。但鐵了心要消滅哈瑪斯(Hamas)的總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu),似乎根本聽不進任何提議,日前在與人質家屬會面的時刻透露,無論有沒有與巴勒斯坦達成和平協議,以軍都會發動攻擊,「進入拉法、並消滅當地駐紮的哈瑪斯勢力!」
  • 陳曉東宣布好消息!48歲還帥成這樣 凍齡秘訣曝光

  • 國中弟教會遭性侵!美女志工喊「只用嘴不算」:能保持純潔

    美國近期一起未成年性侵案引起高度關注,在教會擔任志工長達4年之久的26歲女教師格雷(Reagan Gray),因涉嫌誘拐年僅15歲的少年多次發生關係遭逮,甚至在案件調查期間,還不忘傳送大量裸照給對方,導致保釋資格被取消。
  • Report: healthcare, tech lead in Taiwan’s graduate salaries

    Explore the latest insights on the starting salaries for university and postgraduate entrants in Taiwan’s workforce for 2023, including sector-specific averages, employment trends, and the impact of the global economy on hiring practices.
  • Taiwan’s diarrhea cases surge, norovirus blamed

    Explore the significant increase in diarrhea cases in Taiwan, with a notable rise in Norovirus infections within the food and hospitality sectors. Learn about the CDC’s recommendations for hygiene, food safety, and measures to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.
  • Taiwan braces for plum rain season’s first front

    Explore how Taiwan is preparing for the plum rain season with the expected arrival of weather fronts that could bring increased humidity and showers. Understand the implications of potential La Niña conditions and stay updated on climate change impacts.
  • Uber to launches "Uber for Teens" in Taiwan

    Explore the launch of Uber’s "Uber for teens" in Taiwan, designed to ease parental stress by safely transporting teenagers to school and activities. This service, already available in the U.S. and Australia, allows parents to manage rides through a family account, ensuring safety with features like a safety PIN, real-time route tracking, and direct communication with drivers. Only highly rated drivers can accept these rides, providing an extra layer of security for parents and their children.
  • Breweries in Taiwan embrace sustainability by reusing waste

    Explore how Taiwanese breweries are innovating by turning spent grain, a byproduct of beer production, into valuable, eco-friendly resources, pushing the industry towards greater sustainability.
  • T1 League discusses potential merger with PLG

    Rosa Chien, president of the T1 League, discusses the challenging yet optimistic prospect of merging with the PLG, highlighting ongoing collaborations but acknowledging the complexities and potential delays in the process. As the T1 League progresses into its third season with playoffs approaching, the idea of expansion and integration with the PLG remains a significant yet intricate project.
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