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    Owl 結果共4筆

  • Taipingshan welcomes first snowfall amid -6 degrees Celsius

    Experience the first snowfall of 2023 in Taipingshan, Yilan County, as freezing temperatures dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius. The lightly covered statue of an owl added a touch of winter charm to the area. Despite the strong winds, the snowfall was not significant, and there was no observed increase in the trend. To ensure safety, the management urged all visitors to descend the mountain from 4 p.m. to avoid road ice. Tourists seeking snow experiences have booked local accommodations, highlighting the enthusiasm for the snowfall. For safety reasons, there will be a dynamic total volume control for vehicular entrance into the park, halting new entries once the limit of 1,000 vehicles is reached.
    2023/12/22 12:00
  • 稀客!北極雪鴞現身加州南部 民眾:像耶誕老人坐海灘

    美國南加州橙縣(Orange County)西北部賽普拉斯市(Cypress)一座民宅屋頂,近日出現生活在北極地區的雪鴞(snowy owl),這隻「稀客」現蹤後,立刻在當地掀起賞鳥熱潮,各地民眾驅車前往爭睹,直呼就像「耶誕老人坐在海灘」,真是「耶誕奇蹟」,能見到牠是畢生榮幸。
    2023/01/06 17:20
  • 美國超級盃「迷因」!一堆貓頭鷹跑來亂 竟變「鴞級盃」

    美式足球NFL第56屆「超級盃(Super Bowl)」在台灣時間2月14日開打,由洛杉磯山羊隊奪下冠軍,而超級盃堪稱是美國人全年最瘋狂的運動賽事,不過當搜尋「Super Bowl」時,可能會誤搜成「鴞級盃(Superb Owl)」而跑出一堆貓頭鷹照,這股熱潮還意外風靡美國社群,每當超級盃來臨時,就會有一堆貓頭鷹來「亂」。
    2022/02/14 11:30
  • 1985匹馬力!全球限量50台 Aspark Owl日本電動超跑開賣

    2021/01/02 11:14
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