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    N2 結果共4筆

  • 圖書館「日檢N2」時薪$183 政大生酸:變條碼師

    2024/02/29 19:54
  • TSMC unveils A14 tech, eyes 1.4nm node production

    TSMC, the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company, announced progress in the development of its 1.4nm-class technology node, A14, during the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting. The company plans to begin volume production of its 2nm process chips, N2, in 2025, with the N2P process expected to reach mass production by the end of 2026. Market analysts predict that TSMC’s A14 process could debut between 2027 and 2028. While TSMC is also developing cutting-edge technologies like CFETs to boost chip performance and energy efficiency, the initial A14 process is expected to use GAAFETs technology. The use of High-NA EUV lithography technology in TSMC’s future processes, including the A14 process, remains unconfirmed. Other industry players like Intel are also adopting next-generation EUV technology with a numerical aperture of 0.55.
    2023/12/15 17:24
  • 台積電首度提及1.4奈米開發進展 估最快2027年量產

    根據美國科技資訊網站「Tom’s Hardware」報導,台積電(TSMC)近日在國際電子元件會議(IEDM)表示,1.4奈米製程技術的開發進展順利,同時也強調,2奈米製程晶片(N2)計劃於2025年量產,這是台積電首度提到1.4奈米製程技術的開發進度。
    2023/12/15 12:59
  • 號稱「最淺」摺痕!OPPO首款摺疊機登台 預購送智慧錶、耳機

    OPPO直式摺疊手機也登台了!Find N2 Flip摺疊手機正式發表,處理器使用採用4nm先進製程的聯發科Dimensity 9000+,內螢幕6.8吋、外螢幕3.26吋,號稱是業界最淺的摺痕,甚至比起前代摺痕寬度降低約63%,在台上市「月曜紫」及「天際黑」2色,將於2月25日正式開賣,建議售價為3萬1990元。即日起至2月24日預購即享超值預購早鳥禮,登錄再享最新OPPO Enco Air3真無線耳機。
    2023/02/17 11:05
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