China may opt for invasion over blockade, says advisor
Ivan Kanapathy shares his insights on Taiwan’s defense and trilateral relations with China and the U.S., including strategies against China’s military moves and the impact of U.S. elections on these dynamics.2024/07/23 17:51 -
「賴蕭配」將登板 美前官員大讚蕭美琴:任副手增進台美關係
我國駐美大使蕭美琴是否返台出任民進黨總統參選人賴清德的副手,受到各界高度關注。據悉,四位知情人士告訴路透社,現在已經做出了決定,在蕭美琴從舊金山舉辦的APEC峰會結束並返台後,週一將正式宣布此項決定。路透社今(16日)報導,過往擔任美國國安會亞洲事務資深副主任的簡以榮(Ivan Kanapathy)大讚,若蕭成為副總統,將為下屆台灣政府的國安、外交帶來貢獻;前美國國防部印太安全事務助理部長薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)也說,若蕭美琴成為副總統,毫無疑問這將有利於台美關係。2023/11/16 15:54 -
Ex-NSC official urges stronger missile arsenal for Taiwan
WASHINGTON D.C. (TVBS News) — Former White House National Security Council official Ivan Kanapathy has shared his insights on how Taiwan can enhance its defense capabilities in a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu on TVBS Meeting Room.2023/04/22 16:42