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    I 結果共10,000筆

  • 7寶媽爭議一籮筐!「嘲笑資源班」還能復出?醫沉重點關鍵

    網紅「林叨囝仔 The Lins’ Kids」7寶媽(Sydney)24日直播時,被問及資源班問題相關回應引發歧視爭議,合作廠商陸續切割。醫師陳志金今(26)日對此表示,自媒體的一些爭議言行,有機會讓一些人一夕爆紅,無論正、反聲量對於流量都是種加成,尤其是致歉後再被大眾接受一次,曝光增加進而漲粉,「很容易讓人上癮」,並認為7寶媽次否因此就消聲匿跡,終究取決於「觀眾」們,「你每一次的按讚、追蹤、消費,都會決定我們的社會,將變成什麼樣子」。
    2024/04/26 17:17
  • 「角頭唱演會」首波超豪華陣容公開!3金曲歌王首登北流開唱

    台灣億萬票房電影《角頭》今年邁入上映十周年,不僅寫下精彩亮眼票房成績,拳拳到肉的寫實風格,也完整刻劃黑道社會的內心世界,後續還推出續集作品《角頭2:王者再起》、《角頭-浪流連》,完整建構《角頭》電影世界觀。隨著電影成功打響十年,也更加確定將擴大整個故事IP,包含即將上檔的電影續作《角頭-大橋頭》,還將在7月20日於台北流行音樂中心舉辦「緯來電視網 角頭GATAO唱演會」,找來蔡振南、王識賢、荒山亮三位金曲歌王助陣。
    2024/04/26 16:47
  • 爆違法拍攝!少時孝淵、Apink普美峇里島出事 護照慘被扣留

    韓國女團「少女時代」孝淵、「Apink」普美、「I.O.I」林娜榮等人,日前隨團隊飛往峇里島拍攝KBS節目《Pick me trip》第2季,豈料爆發違法拍攝糾紛,當地政府指控團隊未申請拍攝許可證,導致藝人以及所有工作人員的護照都遭扣留。
    2024/04/26 16:40
  • Taiwan’s economy to grow by 3.29% amid inflation concerns

    Explore the latest economic forecasts for Taiwan as the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research projects a GDP growth of 3.29% and a CPI increase to 2.13%. Amidst stable domestic demand and expanding exports, concerns over rising costs and geopolitical tensions loom. With cautious business investments and the global economic climate’s uncertainties, Taiwan navigates through challenges towards growth.
    2024/04/26 16:27
  • Taiwan’s tech talent draws NVIDIA for groundbreaking R&D hub

    NVIDIA plans to establish its first Asia-based R&D center and the largest supercomputer in Taiwan, as announced by Chiou Chyou-huey from the MOEA. The decision reflects Taiwan’s allure due to its skilled workforce, semiconductor ecosystem, and ICT capabilities, with over 90% of AI servers manufactured in Taiwan. The focus is on advancing AI technologies and leveraging Taiwan’s manufacturing and biomedical sectors to enhance global AI systems.
    2024/04/26 16:14
  • Heavy rain advisory issued for Kaohsiung and Pingtung

    Southern Taiwan on high alert for thunderstorms, warns new Environment Minister Peng Chi-ming. CWA issues heavy rain advisory for Kaohsiung and Pingtung, with widespread impacts expected across Taiwan, including Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. Residents advised to prepare for potential flooding, landslides, and strong winds.
    2024/04/26 16:11
  • 英媒曝查爾斯三世罹癌健康狀況不佳 葬禮計畫「定期更新」中

    英國白金漢宮今年2月宣布英王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)確診罹患癌症,根據白金漢宮的聲明,查爾斯三世已經在接受定期治療,但並未透露查爾斯三世罹患何種癌症,僅表示「不是攝護腺癌」。英王查爾斯宣布患癌以來已經暫停公開活動,根據外媒報導,有知情人士稱查爾斯三世的健康狀況逐漸惡化,使得工作人員開始定期更新他的「葬禮計畫」。
    2024/04/26 15:51
  • 樂遊彰化勞工最大 集點三家觀光工廠抽大獎

    2024/04/26 15:42
  • Pets overtake newborns: Taiwan’s shifting family dynamics

    In Taiwan, pet registrations have surpassed the number of newborns, highlighting a shift towards pet ownership and an increasing demand for pet healthcare. Veterinarians are now more common than pediatricians, with pets often treated as family members.
    2024/04/26 15:17
  • 女子買販賣機咖啡「杯裡爬大量黑蟲」 喝下疑過敏性休克急送ICU

    一名在航空公司工作的21歲女子,近日在西班牙馬略卡島帕爾馬機場(Son Sant Joan airport)的自動販賣機購買咖啡,但把咖啡喝下肚後發覺味道很奇怪,打開杯蓋後竟發現杯內都是死蟲子。接著女子立即產生過敏反應,臉部腫脹、呼吸困難,女子被緊急送往醫院加護病房,在加護病房待了36個小時後才康復出院。
    2024/04/26 14:46
  • 韓團點點名! 閔熙珍記者會駁「下咒」BTS...喊朋友是巫師、再控ILLIT抄襲

    2024/04/26 14:04
  • Taiwan aims to cut animal testing by up to 80%

    Discover how Taiwan plans to cut animal testing by 60-80% through alternative methods, highlighting its commitment to ethical scientific practices and leadership in non-animal testing innovations.
    2024/04/26 13:29
  • Cross-Strait relations tense over ECFA tariff changes

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns that China’s reduced tariff concessions under the ECFA could harm cross-strait companies, criticizing China’s trade sanction threats and efforts to attract Taiwanese youth with housing and entrepreneur parks.
    2024/04/26 13:25
  • Taiwan’s Central Bank updates inflation forecasts for 2024

    Taiwan’s Consumer Price Index indicates a continued slowdown in inflation with a slight rise in March. The Central Bank revises its inflation forecasts as electricity and living costs surge. The public’s economic outlook remains cautiously optimistic.
    2024/04/26 13:24
  • Cross-Strait tourism: Taiwan ready, awaiting China’s reply

    Explore the ongoing discussions and developments in cross-strait tourism between Taiwan and China, highlighting the efforts and challenges faced by both sides in resuming travel exchanges amidst diplomatic tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic.
    2024/04/26 13:20
  • Hong Kong’s trade dynamics shift: decline with Taiwan

    Discover the latest trade dynamics in Hong Kong as March 2024 figures reveal shifts in exports and imports with Asian partners, highlighting significant growth and declines with key countries, amidst geopolitical and financial challenges.
    2024/04/26 13:16
  • Google expands in Taiwan with new R&D building

    Google opens its second hardware R&D building in Banqiao, New Taipei City, establishing Taiwan as its largest hardware research base outside the U.S. The facility features over 50 labs and aims to foster hardware and AI innovations with global tech talent. The event was attended by prominent Taiwanese and American officials, highlighting Taiwan’s growing tech industry and Google’s commitment to investing in the region despite geopolitical concerns.
    2024/04/26 13:15
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • 白癡公主首度演鬼  理科太太超害怕!仍力挺閨密直播

    2024/04/26 12:49
  • Fu Kun-chi heads to Beijing to promote cross-strait peace

    Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi plans to lead a delegation to Beijing aiming to ease cross-strait tensions and foster peace. The visit, scheduled after the legislative session ends, seeks to reconnect ties and encourage Chinese tourism to Taiwan, amidst criticism of Fu’s close ties with the Chinese government.
    2024/04/26 12:36
  • President-elect Lai open to historic legislative address

    President-elect Lai Ching-te expresses willingness to make a historic State of the Nation report at the Legislative Yuan, responding to KMT’s invitation, aiming to establish constitutional conventions amidst current chaos.
    2024/04/26 12:15
  • Bilingual anchors to host inauguration ceremony

    Discover the prestigious announcement of hosts for Taiwan’s 16th presidential and vice-presidential inauguration ceremony and state banquet. Anchors Ethan Liu and Jasmine Liu will lead the ceremony in Taipei, while Kuo Ya-hui and mixed-race model Kevin Tai will charm guests in Tainan, highlighting Taiwan’s diversity and democracy.
    2024/04/26 12:11
  • Lai Ching-te unveils cross-strait team appointments

    President-elect Lai Ching-te announces key national security appointments, naming Chiu Chui-cheng as head of the Mainland Affairs Council and Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan as chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, emphasizing the importance of cross-strait relations and the anticipation for China to engage with Taiwan’s democratically elected government.
    2024/04/26 12:08
  • Swedish parliamentarians support Taiwan’s WHO bid

    Explore the seminar held by the Swedish-Taiwanese Parliamentary Association discussing Taiwan’s participation in the WHO, featuring key speakers and demonstrating support from Swedish parliamentarians for Taiwan amidst political challenges.
    2024/04/26 12:04
  • Taiwan’s defense minister vows to expand military counselors

    Taiwan’s military vows to increase counselors amid rising suicides among personnel, with 16 cases reported in 2023 and 14 fatalities.
    2024/04/26 10:37
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