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    HYPE 結果共6筆

  • China refutes military link to Taiwan airspace incursions

    China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Wu Qian, dismisses the record number of balloons released into Taiwan’s airspace as meaningless hype and denies military involvement. Wu lambasts the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities as a tactic to provoke cross-strait confrontation, claiming it is destined to fail. He reiterates that Taiwan’s election is China’s local affairs and that the DPP cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Wu firmly asserts that Taiwan is a part of China and that the international community adheres to the one-China principle. He declares that the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and that Taiwan’s legal status as part of China’s territory has never changed. Wu emphasizes that Taiwan will never be a country, Taiwan independence is not possible, and external forces’ plot to split China will never succeed. He pledges that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity as a "Great Wall of Steel."
    2024/01/25 17:09
  • BTS公司保鑣爆襲胸! 女粉淚訴「緊抓超過5秒」:太噁心

    2023/09/25 12:04
  • 世紀同框! BTS金泰亨、NewJeans嗨跳《Hype Boy》 

    2023/08/23 11:54
  • 施柏宇掛保證「一定跳女團舞」!時間點曝光 笑喊:敬請期待

    施柏宇、林映唯今(2)日出席Gentle Monster聯名發表會,演繹品牌風格潮流,現場施柏宇梳起中分油頭,此次配戴聯名重點款在太陽眼鏡的鏡臂上,嶄新地將Maison Margiela標誌性的白色四縫線真實地還原,以漆黑色澤搭配飛行員流線輪廓,呈現高級潮流感,和他穿搭風格相互突顯。由於施柏宇先前宣傳夯劇《想見你》電影版時,放話票房破億就要跳女團舞蹈,活動上他也預告:「今年一定會,敬請期待!」
    2023/03/02 21:13
  • 「灌籃王」拉文季中恐被交易?外媒曝尼克、湖人等多隊有意搶人

    NBA芝加哥公牛隊近期戰績不佳,陣中球星「灌籃王」拉文(Zach LaVine)又與其他隊友傳出不合,先前曾有消息指出公牛很可能會交易拉文,近日《Hoops Hype》記者Michael Scotto就表示,一旦拉文擺上交易桌,將引來紐約尼克、洛杉磯湖人、達拉斯獨行俠、邁阿密熱火等隊追逐。
    2023/01/06 17:48
  • 郭雪芙渾圓曲線外露!「性感晃動片」網全暈:困在這1小時

    34歲女星郭雪芙曾為女子團體「Dream Girls」成員,近年在戲劇領域發展亮眼,經常在社群平台分享生活的她,昨(21)日分享跳舞影片,除了舞技令外界大讚,凹凸有致的身材更是讓粉絲大噴鼻血,嗨喊:「我困在這一個小時了。」
    2022/12/21 12:05
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