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    Fares 結果共8筆

  • Legislators call for hold on Taiwan Railway fare increase

    Explore the ongoing debate over Taiwan Railway fare adjustments after 29 years, highlighting concerns over regional fairness, service quality, and the need for comprehensive analysis before implementing changes.
    2024/05/07 15:01
  • Taiwan Railway eyes first fare hike in nearly three decades

    Explore the potential fare increase for Taiwan Railway Corporation as Deputy Minister Allen Hu announces a comprehensive review to adjust ticket prices after 29 years, amidst discussions on improving train punctuality and addressing the TRC’s financial sustainability.
    2024/05/06 13:46
  • Taipei taxi fares rise for Lunar New Year celebrations

    During the Lunar New Year holiday from Feb. 5 to Feb. 14, taxi fares in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung City will increase by an additional NT$30 per ride. Stickers with clear notices about the fare changes will be placed on the back of co-driver’s seats to inform passengers. Cab drivers are prohibited from refusing passengers or taking longer routes, and passengers have the right to inquire about the chosen route. The Taipei City Government Police Department has a hotline for reporting issues at (02) 2311-6409, or residents can dial 110. Other cities and counties, such as Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Nantou, Changhua, and Kaohsiung, will also adjust their taxi fares, with an extra NT$50 per ride. In Hsinchu and Miaoli, fares will increase by 30% based on the original pricing scheme.
    2024/02/05 11:27
  • 瑞典巨星法瑞斯公開招募臥底!狂吸50萬人報名 超狂背景曝光

    瑞典票房巨星法瑞斯法瑞斯(Fares Fares)最近在賣座間諜片《開羅謀殺案》中飾演國安局高層人員,該片去(2022)年底在法國上映時,不僅刷出1.5億台幣票房超級紀錄、躍為法國年度最賣座外語片;更繼勇奪坎城影展最佳劇本獎後,日前再奪瑞典奧斯卡最佳劇本獎,並榮獲法國凱薩獎最佳外語片提名,名利雙收令人稱羨。
    2023/01/29 17:15
  • Taxi demand surges ahead of Chinese New Year festivities

     With the pandemic cooling down and the Chinese New Year drawing near, taxis have become more and more difficult to hail. 
    2023/01/07 18:53
  • Taxi fares to increase in northern Taiwan in April 2023

    Grabbing a cab home after work is about to get a lot more expensive in northern Taiwan as fares are set to rise next year.
    2022/12/24 13:26
  • Discounted fares failed to attract more MRT, bus passengers

    Taipei and New Taipei’s joint NT$1,280 monthly transportation tickets have become a must-have for many commuters. However, according to transportation operators, these discounted prices have not necessarily attracted more people to use public transportation.
    2022/12/14 16:48
  • 網美作風太開放 開保時捷被仇女殺手3槍爆頭

    伊拉克一名知名模特兒兼網美法莉絲(Tara Fares),平日作風十分開放自由,在當地成為知名網紅。不料上個月底她開車在路上,突然遇到一群殺手,公然開槍殺人,法莉絲當場橫屍街頭。事後了解,推測應該是法莉絲平日作風西化,這讓當地的保守人士十分不滿,才會因此洩憤。
    2018/10/10 17:47
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