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    Director-General 結果共49筆

  • Legislative Yuan to pause sessions ahead of 2024 elections

    The Legislative Yuan has decided to suspend its plenary and committee meetings from December 20 to December 31 in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This decision follows a proposal by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Caucus and is in line with the parliamentary tradition of pausing meetings during the election period. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Caucus and the New Power Party (NPP) Caucus opposed the suspension proposal but their amendment was not accepted. The DPP’s proposal was passed, with Vice President of the Legislative Yuan Tsai Chi-Chang announcing the decision. The Kuomintang (KMT) caucus leader Tseng Ming-chung argued for a consensus through negotiation before arranging a recess, opposing the resolution’s forceful passage. DPP Caucus Director-General Ker Chien-ming cited a 30-year-old tradition of recessing before elections and emphasized that the decision only brings forward the suspension by 11 days.
    2023/12/12 13:33
  • China’s kids face rising antibiotic drug resistance

    Chinese children are increasingly experiencing antibiotic resistance when treating Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which poses a global health and economic concern. By 2050, drug-resistant diseases could result in healthcare costs of NT$31 trillion and economic losses of up to NT$106 trillion, according to the World Bank. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the rise of superbugs, diminishing the effectiveness of these medicines and compromising treatment outcomes. Azithromycin, a commonly used antibiotic in China for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, now faces an alarming resistance rate of nearly 80% to Macrolides. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the dangers of antibiotic overuse and refers to the situation as a "silent pandemic." WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expresses concern that antibiotic resistance could bring us back to an era where minor infections are untreatable.
    2023/12/12 11:42
  • Tainan proudly showcases net-zero efforts at COP28 event

    Discover the sustainable achievements of Tainan City in Taiwan as Director-General Hsu Jen-tse shares the city’s strategies for net-zero sustainability at the COP28 conference. Learn about Tainan’s initiatives to combat extreme weather, promote sustainable development, and achieve low-carbon adaptation. Explore their efforts in constructing an electric bus transport system and implementing smart parking solutions to reduce air pollution. With a focus on renewable energy, Tainan aims to become a solar-powered city with 4GW of solar panel installations. Additionally, the city is actively harnessing renewable water sources, projecting a future water supply of 83,000 cubic meters per day.
    2023/12/07 18:51
  • TRA grilled on restroom cleanliness despite efforts

    The Legislative Yuan’s Transportation Committee discussed the 2024 budget and addressed the poor cleanliness of Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) restrooms. Despite efforts to improve, the TRA’s restrooms were ranked poorly by the Ministry of Environment. TRA Director-General Tu Wei acknowledged the issue and mentioned that local government oversight had led to improvements in most of the restrooms. However, some facilities still require further enhancements. Legislator Lin Chun-hsien criticized the TRA for ineffective use of funds, particularly in outsourcing cleaning services. Lin proposed freezing a portion of the TRA’s budget until they present a written report on restroom improvement plans. The committee resolved to freeze 10% of the TRA’s budget to ensure accountability and push for better facility maintenance and service quality.
    2023/12/04 15:16
  • DPP Lai joins sea turtle release, advocates conservation

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended a marine conservation event in Hengchun Township, where he witnessed healed sea turtles being returned to the ocean. The event, hosted by the Marine Animals Rescue Network (MARN), showcased efforts to rescue and rehabilitate injured marine protected species. MARN has successfully released 393 recovered marine animals back into the wild since its inception four years ago. The Ocean Affairs Council Director-General emphasized the integration of resources to establish MARN, which now operates six stations across Taiwan. This year alone, 23 whales, dolphins, and 163 sea turtles have been released, with seven turtles equipped with satellite transmitters. The rescue efforts have revealed instances of marine debris inside the stomachs of turtles, highlighting the issue of ocean pollution. Lai Ching-te presented letters of appreciation to honor the dedication of the rescue teams. Currently, 11 stranded and injured sea turtles are under care at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. Lai emphasized the importance of a national marine policy and urged the public to actively engage in marine conservation.
    2023/12/02 12:12
  • Tourism Administration to launch travel program for seniors

    The Tourism Administration plans to launch a new travel program called "Golden Years" (凰金遊程Golden Years) next year, targeting senior travelers in response to Taiwan’s aging population. With an estimated senior travel demographic of 4 million individuals, Taiwan sees a potential tourist value of up to NT$120 billion. Deputy Director-General Lin Hsin-Jen expects a 10% to 20% growth in output value, reaching NT$120 billion, with domestic tours for the elderly market accounting for approximately NT$40 billion and international travelers adding NT$60 billion. Travel agencies and hotels are now focusing on marketing efforts and introducing 11 Golden Years itineraries to cater to this demographic’s preferences. Discounts and leisurely itineraries are being offered to accommodate the spending power of senior travelers.
    2023/11/22 19:47
  • FDA destroys 2kg of Japanese green tea powder at border

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that two kilograms of green tea powder imported from Japan were destroyed at the border due to trace amounts of radioactive cesium-137. The batch’s cesium-137 levels were within the acceptable limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram, but the FDA emphasized the importance of ethical practices and urged businesses to adhere to them. The FDA tested the batch on October 31 and found 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-137 and 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-134 plus cesium-137. Since last year, food from five prefectures of Fukushima, Japan, has been imported to Taiwan, provided it meets radiation and origin inspection requirements. The FDA’s regulations for cesium-134 and cesium-137 levels in various food categories are based on the "Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods." From 2011 to 2023, Taiwan has tested 224,970 batches of Japanese food, with 252 samples showing trace radioactivity that did not exceed national or Japanese standards.
    2023/11/22 19:45
  • Germany seeks to expand relations with Taiwan: Sigmund

    Germany is looking to strengthen its ties with Taiwan in various sectors, including academics and trade, according to Petra Sigmund, the German Director General for Asia and Pacific. Despite not having diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Germany is committed to maintaining and expanding connections with the country. While Germany adheres to the "One China Policy," it does not preclude official interactions with Taiwan, which can extend up to a ministerial level. Germany’s top representatives, such as the president, chancellor, and foreign minister, do not establish contact with Taiwan, but the country intends to utilize other open contact spaces. Sigmund emphasized that Germany will strive to preserve these spaces, even if it disturbs China, as Taiwan holds significant importance to Germany.
    2023/11/14 15:00
  • Health insurance premium rate unchanged in 2024: NHIA

    The National Health Insurance Committee will discuss using non-anticipated risk funds and the insurance reserve fund in Taiwan on November 15, according to the National Health Insurance Administration Director-General. The insurance premium rate is expected to remain unchanged in 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all sectors, including traditional Chinese medicine, which reported increased medical expenses in the first two quarters of 2023. Western medicine also experienced a drop in the second quarter. The insurance reserve fund is projected to reach 1.97 months by the end of 2023, higher than the previous estimate of 1.5 months, largely due to a government budget allocation of NT$24 billion.
    2023/11/14 14:03
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • Premier announces plans to increase salaries in healthcare

    The Taiwanese government plans to allocate at least NT$20 billion next year to raise the salaries of healthcare workers in response to recent protests by medical professionals. Premier Chen Chien-jen advocates for increased respect, appreciation, and compensation for frontline staff, stating that a health insurance system should not be built on the "sweat and tears" of healthcare professionals. Discussions are underway with President Tsai Ing-wen, National Health Insurance Administration Director-General Shih Chung-liang, and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan on methods to enhance salaries through health insurance and public budget funds. The financial assistance will be directed at healthcare personnel excluding doctors, with specific details of the plan still under discussion. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has highlighted the global shortage of healthcare workers as a significant concern, and with COVID-19 still a threat, the government aims to increase healthcare investment and address the welfare of those on the medical frontline.
    2023/11/13 11:59
  • Millions to benefit from digital health reform next year

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced the launch of a telemedicine project next week to meet the growing demand for virtual diagnosis and long-distance clinical services. The telehealth initiative, set to debut in April next year, will not only cover acute and long-term care but also extend to chronic treatments, serious accidents, infectious cases, and care for people with disabilities. The National Health Insurance Administration estimates that over seven million people will benefit from these telehealth reforms. However, concerns have been raised by Legislator Lai Hui-yuan regarding the overdue project and the NHIA’s plans to boost digital health in Taiwan. The NHIA Department of Medical Affairs Director, Liu Lin-yi, responded by stating that telemedicine services became accessible to general patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 460 thousand patients receiving diagnoses through video calls. To ensure a smooth digital transition, MOHW Health Division Chief Liu Yueh-Ping emphasized the need for standards and the completion of necessary setups within six months.
    2023/11/08 18:51
  • NSB head to mark Anwei No. 8 field exercise with ceremony

    The National Security Bureau (NSB) will hold a ceremony to mark the completion of the Anwei No. 8 field exercise, which aimed to enhance national security in light of the upcoming presidential election. The exercise involved 220 specialized task force officers from various law enforcement agencies and the military. The ceremony will showcase the achievements of the officers, including newly procured equipment and intensive field training. The NSB’s goal was for the officers to achieve three objectives during training, and the public will have the opportunity to witness their performance during the ceremony.
    2023/11/07 20:11
  • MOE to raise university professor academic research grants

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan will increase monthly academic research grants for professors, associate professors, and assistant professors at public universities starting next year. This move aims to address low wages for academic talent in Taiwan. The Executive Yuan has committed to investing NT$33.29 billion over the next five years to support this initiative. The research grants for teaching staff at public universities will increase by NT$6,000 to NT$9,000 per month. Additionally, the Ministry will invest an additional NT$860 million to encourage private universities to raise their faculty salaries, bridging the salary gap between public and private institutions. The efforts also include the introduction of new doctoral scholarships and subsidies for part-time teaching assistant positions for doctorate students. The MOE’s Department of Higher Education Director-General, Chu Chun-chang, stated that if private universities can increase academic research funding by 15%, the MOE will cover 70% of the cost. Furthermore, starting next year, the "flexible pay" system for outstanding teachers will be expanded, with increased subsidies.
    2023/11/06 16:20
  • Taiwan to potentially lift travel group bans to China soon

    The Travel Agents Association Chairman, Hsiao Po-jen, has announced that the Taiwanese government may lift travel group bans to China before Chinese New Year in 2024. Minister Wang Kwo-tsai of Transportation and Communications and Mainland Affairs Council revealed that the MOTC Tourist Administration Director General, Chou Yung-Hui, confirmed plans to lift restrictions on Taiwanese travel groups just before the holiday next year. The ban on private arrangement of group tours to China has been in place since the Covid-19 pandemic, making this decision a significant move to enhance diplomatic relations between the two states. The MAC has also announced plans to restore cross-strait group tours, initially allowing 2,000 visitors per day from China. The lift on travel restrictions may come earlier than expected if China expresses goodwill to welcome tourists from across the Strait.
    2023/11/05 15:04
  • German Institute Taipei optimistic about TSMC fab investment

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has received approval from the Ministry of Economic Affairs to establish a fabrication facility in Germany. At the CDKWV 90th Anniversary International Conference, optimism abounded as experts discussed the potential of this 3.5 billion-euro investment. Dr. Jörg Polster, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, highlighted the compatibility of cultures, while Stan Shih, Acer’s co-founder, raised concerns about cultural differences. The partnership is expected to deepen as German investments in Taiwan reach record levels.
    2023/10/28 16:49
  • Search and rescue dogs retire from Taichung Fire Bureau

    Three esteemed search and rescue dogs, Iron Xiong (鐵雄), Leggy (雞腿), and Penwan (本丸), retired from the Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen personally presented them with retirement certificates at the "Graduation Ceremony for Retired Search and Rescue Dogs." These four-legged heroes played a crucial role in disaster response efforts, including the Hualien and Türkiye earthquakes, tirelessly searching for signs of life amidst the ruins. The event was a heartfelt episode as the dog handlers passed the dogs on to their new adopters. Mayor Lu emphasized the dogs’ relentless efforts to protect the citizens of Taichung, deserving high honors and a fitting send-off. Sun Fu-you, the director-general of the Fire Bureau, expressed gratitude for their service and wished them happiness and peace in retirement.
    2023/10/28 16:24
  • Taiwan and Germany boost industrial ties: Jörg Polster

    Explore the deepening industrial relationship between Taiwan and Germany as German Institute Taipei Director-General Jörg Polster praises the long-standing ties. Following TSMC’s announcement of its first European factory in Germany, Polster emphasizes mutual growth opportunities and highlights plans for student exchanges in 2024.
    2023/10/27 19:35
  • TPP emphasizes role of data science before alliance talks

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held their first staff meeting to discuss a possible election alliance. Key figures at the meeting included representatives from both parties. The TPP expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue and emphasized their faith in data science. The objective of the meeting was to negotiate an outcome acceptable to Taiwanese and supporters of both parties.
    2023/10/14 16:33
  • TVBS News participates in ENEX’s 30th general assembly

    The European News Exchange (ENEX) network hosted its 30th General Assembly at the RTL headquarters in Luxembourg on Oct. 12 and Oct. 13, where international media gathered to share their knowledge and experience in the field. Speaking at the opening of the international event, Adrien Wells, managing director of ENEX, expressed his enthusiasm for this milestone General assembly, stressing how "ENEX has become a globally respected and powerful agency over the past 30 years." 
    2023/10/13 13:01
  • Taiwan FDA: No drug shortages amid Israel-Palestine conflict

    Taiwan FDA assures ample medication supply amid global concerns over Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s impact. Insights from Deputy Director-General Chen Hui-fang and pharmacist Huang Yen-ju. Stay updated on crisis responses and more.
    2023/10/11 19:29
  • Taiwanese official warns of CCP involvement in polls

    Taiwan’s National Security Bureau Director General, Tsai Ming-yen, has revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may be involved in influencing the upcoming presidential election through Taiwanese PR firms conducting polls.
    2023/10/04 14:33
  • Rumors swirl: Lin Fei-fan’s new role at Taiwan foundation

    Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) deputy secretary-general Lin Fei-fan was reportedly given a position to become the deputy executive director of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD), according to Huang Yang-ming, an Internet celebrity.
    2023/08/23 15:01
  • Taiwan foreign minister defends the nation after WHO snub

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu criticized World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and entrepreneur Elon Musk on Monday (May 22).
    2023/05/22 16:32
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