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    Austrian 結果共3筆

  • 生死瞬間!客機遭冰雹橫掃2分鐘 「砸爆機鼻、窗戶破裂」機長求救

    奧地利航空公司(Austrian Airlines)一架客機6月9日從西班牙飛往奧地利首都維也納(Vienna),飛行途中遇上冰雹來襲,機鼻位置嚴重損毀,駕駛艙窗戶出現大面積明顯裂痕,機長一度發出求救訊號,幸客機最終平安降落維也納施韋夏特機場(Vienna-Schwechat Airport),無人受傷。
    2024/06/10 18:49
  • Negotiations with Austria on driving permits underway

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s efforts to negotiate driving rights in Austria for its citizens, following issues with the International Driving Permit. Updates on diplomatic talks and the principle of reciprocity here.
    2024/05/23 10:15
  • Austrian woman rescued from Taiwan mountains

    The New Taipei City Fire Department successfully rescued a young Australian woman who was lost in the mountains of Wulai District. The woman, identified as Marion, was studying in South Korea and visiting Taiwan. She had ventured alone to climb Badaoer Mountain but became disoriented during her descent. With her cellphone battery at 5% and unsure of how to report an emergency in Taiwan, she reached out to a friend in Germany who informed the hotel staff in Wulai to report her missing. A 25-person rescue team commenced the search and rescue mission, working through the night until they found Marion in the early hours of Monday. She was unharmed and escorted back to her hotel. The captain of the 4th Emergency and Rescue Corps emphasized the importance of traveling in groups and being prepared with food, cold weather gear, and lighting equipment.
    2023/12/05 19:26
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