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    party line 結果共13筆

  • KMT head demands party unity ahead of speaker vote

    As Taiwan prepares for the inauguration of its 11th Legislative Yuan, KMT chairman Eric Chu emphasizes the need for party unity and transparent elections. Chu critiques potential deceptive tactics by the DPP and advocates for significant parliamentary reforms and a collaborative effort to foster a renewed democratic atmosphere in Taiwan.
    2024/01/31 15:21
  • 11 aircraft crossing Taiwan Strait median line: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has detected 11 aircraft crossing the median line of the strait within a 24-hour period. The Republic of China Armed Forces are closely monitoring these aircraft, along with 24 other aircraft and five vessels engaged in activities around the Taiwan Strait. Some of the aircraft have exceeded the median line and entered Taiwan’s airspace. The closest distances to Taiwan were approximately 42 nautical miles from Keelung in the north and 85 nautical miles from Cape Eluanbi in the south. The MND highlights the changing security environment and threat model faced by Taiwan, asserting that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using cognitive warfare and military actions to impact Taiwan. The MND emphasizes the need to constantly adjust the mode of disclosure to avoid being influenced by the enemy. The Republic of China Armed Forces are employing aircraft, vessels, and shore-based missile systems to closely monitor and prepare for response scenarios.
    2024/01/18 12:24
  • President Tsai accused of illegal election day campaigning

    During Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections, President Tsai Ing-wen faced criticism after her official LINE account displayed election slogans of Lai Ching-te from the Democratic Progressive Party, leading to accusations of illegal campaigning. The image was later removed from the account. This incident prompted online users to question the authority of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and suggest filing complaints against the president. The CEC had previously warned that campaigning on social media platforms like LINE and Facebook was prohibited on polling day, with violators facing penalties ranging from NT$100,000 to NT$1 million. Political parties, candidates, and their employees or agents could face even higher penalties of NT$200,000 to NT$2 million. The investigation into this alleged violation could have significant financial consequences.
    2024/01/13 14:20
  • Taiwan detects CCP military presence ahead of 2024 election

    The Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported the detection of eight military aircraft and six naval vessels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the past 24 hours. Additionally, an unidentified balloon crossed the Taiwan Strait median line. The MND denounced China’s activities, which consistently undermine regional stability, and expressed its commitment to maintaining peace and national security. The Republic of China Armed Forces will monitor and respond to CCP military and naval activities to safeguard Taiwan’s sovereignty. Despite interference from the Chinese PLA, the MND remains determined to uphold Taiwan’s state security and regional stability.
    2024/01/07 12:14
  • U.S. backs Taiwan amid Chinese balloons incursion

    U.S. National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, affirms American support for Taiwan’s democracy and urges parties outside Taiwan not to interfere with its democratic process. This comes after Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reported detecting three balloons from the Chinese Communist Party crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait. Following the incident, there were multiple incursions by Chinese aircraft and vessels observed in the area. The Taiwanese military will take appropriate measures based on the nature and potential hazard of the balloons. Although Kirby couldn’t verify the balloon reports, he reiterates U.S. support for Taiwan’s democracy and looks forward to free, fair, and transparent elections. He also warns against any external force attempting to interfere with the Taiwanese elections and urges parties outside Taiwan not to meddle with its democratic process.
    2024/01/05 17:44
  • Ko Wen-je reverses stance on heavy motorcycles on freeways

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party has shifted his stance on allowing heavy motorcycles on national freeways. Previously, he promised to open the freeways to heavy motorcycles if elected, but now suggests that if the majority opposes it, the government should amend the law accordingly. This change comes in response to public opinion polls showing that 60% of people are against the policy change. Ko cited discussions with the Drivers Union, which strongly opposes the idea, due to safety concerns such as an increase in accidents and fatalities. Additionally, Ko proposes eliminating the two-stage left turn system for motorcycles and having motorcyclists line up behind cars at traffic signals. He believes that the decision on left turns should be based on the number of lanes on the road, taking into account the specificities of different roadways.
    2023/12/12 20:06
  • Legislative Yuan to pause sessions ahead of 2024 elections

    The Legislative Yuan has decided to suspend its plenary and committee meetings from December 20 to December 31 in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This decision follows a proposal by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Caucus and is in line with the parliamentary tradition of pausing meetings during the election period. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Caucus and the New Power Party (NPP) Caucus opposed the suspension proposal but their amendment was not accepted. The DPP’s proposal was passed, with Vice President of the Legislative Yuan Tsai Chi-Chang announcing the decision. The Kuomintang (KMT) caucus leader Tseng Ming-chung argued for a consensus through negotiation before arranging a recess, opposing the resolution’s forceful passage. DPP Caucus Director-General Ker Chien-ming cited a 30-year-old tradition of recessing before elections and emphasized that the decision only brings forward the suspension by 11 days.
    2023/12/12 13:33
  • 《HIStory》5組CP要辦趴了!「攻守互換」預告撒糖

    LINE TV原創BL劇《HIStory》系列為歡慶6週年,將舉辦粉絲同樂會,5組演員CP難得齊聚,包括《HIStory3-那一天》宋偉恩、黃雋智和張瀚元、劉韋辰,《HIStory4-近距離愛上你》安俊朋、林嘉威,《HIStory5-遇見未來的你》陳璽安、徐韜和張碩航、王肇緯,除了與粉絲提前過白色情人節之外,還會「重溫HIStory甜蜜瞬間」、「CP大對抗」等遊戲橋段,挑戰零距離高甜互動,H系列學長更向學弟下戰帖,要拿下「遊戲王」寶座。
    2023/03/08 18:04
  • 人氣BL劇大反轉!陳璽安疑黑化搶位 大海CP上演告白之吻

    LINE TV人氣BL劇《HIStory5-遇見未來的你》目前熱播中,「大海CP」張碩航與王肇緯、「森林CP」陳璽安與徐韜感情都有新進展,下週將祭出「秋葵吻」、「沙發吻」撒糖,H系列人氣CP也將驚喜客串,為歡慶HIStory系列迎來6週年,3月11日將舉辦「2023 HIStory Party」,集結5組超人氣CP與粉絲同樂。
    2023/02/12 19:18
  • Taiwan’s ruling party chairman releases new LINE stickers

    Taiwan’s ruling DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te has unveiled new LINE stickers in partnership with a local artist, NISINsheep, on Saturday (Jan. 28).
    2023/01/31 17:51
  • 便利性UP!純網銀免抽號碼牌 「這家」破70萬人使用

    將來銀行在3月29日正式開行,是繼樂天銀行、LINE Bank後,台灣第三家「純網銀」。其實將來銀行在正式開業前,就在去(2022)年舉辦一場「線上 NEXT PARTY」,不限身分、時間、地點,只要用手機或是電腦連上網路,就能創造一位虛擬人偶加入派對。
    2022/03/31 15:09
  • 不知情?設局好友謀財 兇手女友全程目睹

    2017/03/03 18:19
  • 熊大、兔兔殺進香港! 辦水上Party還開限定店

    炎炎夏日中,許多人喜歡到海上遊樂園消暑,為吸引年輕族群到來,香港海洋公園特別和LINE合作,在暑假期間推出「全亞洲第一個LINE主題玩水派對」,除了可以 和主題人物熊大、兔兔等一起拍照、玩水外,在海洋公園內更首度開了期間限定的LINE FRIENDS 商店,並推出60多款獨家商品。
    2015/06/27 10:19
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