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    foreign affairs 結果共121筆

  • MOFA criticizes Ma Ying-jeou for controversial remarks

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, expresses deep regret over former President Ma Ying-jeou’s suggestion that certain U.S. factions are using Taiwan’s semiconductor industry as a weapon, and condemns Ma for aligning himself with Chinese positions. Wu emphasizes the Taiwanese government’s position and the importance of garnering international support in the face of rising cross-strait tensions.
    2023/10/18 17:06
  • President Tsai affirms Taiwan-Belgium friendship

    During a meeting with a Belgian parliamentary delegation, President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized the shared values of freedom and democracy between Taiwan and Belgium. She expressed the desire to establish institutionalized cooperation in areas such as cybersecurity. The delegation, led by Els Van Hoof, Chairwoman of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, was welcomed by Secretary-General to the President Lin Chia-lung.
    2023/10/18 15:25
  • MOFA confirms former envoys guilty of sexual harassment

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) confirms sexual harassment allegations against three former diplomats, leading to various disciplinary actions. The misconduct spans from inappropriate touching to sending unsolicited photos.
    2023/10/17 17:27
  • MOFA assists departure of 156 nationals from Israel

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu announced the departure of 156 Taiwanese nationals from Israel while 147 chose to stay amid rising tensions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also escalated its travel advisory for Israel to "orange" following a recent attack by Hamas.
    2023/10/17 17:24
  • Taiwan FDA: No drug shortages amid Israel-Palestine conflict

    Taiwan FDA assures ample medication supply amid global concerns over Israeli-Palestinian conflict’s impact. Insights from Deputy Director-General Chen Hui-fang and pharmacist Huang Yen-ju. Stay updated on crisis responses and more.
    2023/10/11 19:29
  • MOFA clarifies assistance efforts amid Israel-Hamas war

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responds to allegations by a stranded Taiwanese traveler in Israel, expressing regret and countering the claims. The traveler accused the Ministry of providing insufficient assistance during violent clashes in Palestine. The Ministry clarifies that the traveler received no aid from his airline and sought help from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, but found their advice unsympathetic. The Ministry expresses regret and disappointment towards the unverified statements, emphasizing their attempts to assist the traveler and the necessity of online booking for confidential information. They also highlight their commitment to helping travelers return home amidst the conflict and express regret over baseless allegations impacting their personnel’s morale.
    2023/10/11 11:11
  • 侯友宜投書外媒支持九二共識 他轟無法說服國人有護國決心

    國民黨總統參選人侯友宜昨日投書「外交事務期刊」(Foreign Affairs),其中國防、經貿與外交立場與兩個多月前賴清德主席發布的「四大支柱」大致雷同,但關鍵差異就是他長篇討論台海安全當下,卻忽視區域情勢升溫的最大來源,並支持習近平已定位為「共同努力謀求國家統一」的「九二共識」。對此,民進黨國際部主任、賴清德競辦發言人趙怡翔批,無法說服國人侯友宜有護國決心。
    2023/09/19 18:22
  • 侯友宜投書外媒拋「兩岸避戰方案」 台灣扮演和平促進者

    國民黨總統參選人侯友宜於訪美期間投書《外交事務》期刊(Foreign Affairs),主題為「台灣的中間路線:國民黨總統候選人的兩岸避戰方案」,並主張「3D」:嚇阻、對話、降低風險,他也承諾,在《中華民國憲法》框架下務實進行兩岸對話往來,創造和平的條件。
    2023/09/19 06:23
  • Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry rebukes Elon Musk’s China comments

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) issues a strong rebuke to Elon Musk’s recent comments suggesting Taiwan is part of China. Experts speculate on the motives behind Musk’s statements, pointing to his business ties with China. Get the latest updates on this diplomatic dispute.
    2023/09/15 20:16
  • MOFA accepts Japan’s release of Fukushima nuclear wastewater

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has stated its respect for the assessment report by the Japanese government after it announced on Tuesday (Aug. 22) that it would begin discharging nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24.
    2023/08/23 11:16
  • Taiwan withdraws from Parlacen after replacement vote

    Taiwan announced its withdrawal from the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) on Tuesday (Aug. 22) and strongly condemned both Nicaragua and China after being voted out of the Parlacen body. 
    2023/08/22 20:44
  • Lai Ching-te to visit Paraguay for inauguration in August

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) announced on Monday (July 17) that Vice President Lai Ching-te will lead a delegation to Paraguay to attend the country’s presidential inauguration next month.
    2023/07/17 17:31
  • Lai Ching-te presents Peace Plan to foreign officials

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te addressed over 40 foreign diplomats and representatives from 30 countries at an information session organized by the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) International Affairs Department on Thursday (July 6). 
    2023/07/06 17:53
  • Taiwan official in Thailand resigns amid harassment claims

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) confirmed on Saturday (June 24) that Chuang Suo-hang, Taiwan’s representative to Thailand, resigned following allegations of sexual harassment.
    2023/06/26 17:48
  • Former UK PM Liz Truss’ visit paid by Prospect Foundation

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Wednesday (May 17) that the visit of former British Prime Minister Liz Truss was made possible at the invitation of the Prospect Foundation which also sponsored the event.
    2023/05/18 17:18
  • Honduras may leave exchange students in Taiwan in limbo

    Honduras’ ambassador to Taiwan, Harold Burgos, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Wednesday (March 15) following his country’s president’s unexpected announcement of seeking potential ties with China. 
    2023/03/17 18:22
  • Foreign Ministry welcomes joint statement by UK and France

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed on Monday (March 13) a joint declaration made three days earlier by the leaders of France and the United Kingdom on the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/03/13 17:13
  • 台灣有望擁核武?美期刊預測「新興核武國」亞洲3國上榜

    美國國際關係權威期刊《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)在2022年1/2月號中,針對「核武國家的數量十年內是否會增加」一事,廣詢了50位外交安全領域專家學者看法,其中21人認為會增加、21人不認同,8人保持中立。值得關注的是,其中人在分析中指出,有建於亞洲地區安全局勢發展,有專家也將台灣列入潛在名單中。
    2021/12/18 13:53
  • 「蔡英文讓R.O.C不見了」 馬英九:討厭中華民國不如下台

    今天是雙十國慶日,前總統馬英九今(10)日上午出席國民黨中央黨部升旗典禮致詞時表示,中華民國是我國憲法上的國名,但最近總統蔡英文投稿美國《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)雙月刊,署名卻是「台灣總統」(President of Taiwan),中華民國(R.O.C)不見了,「蔡總統,中華民國到那裡去了?您為什麼這麼討厭中華民國呢?如果您真是如此,你為什麼不辭職下台呢?」
    2021/10/10 09:22
  • 蔡英文外媒自稱「台灣總統」 馬英九:妳當哪一國總統?

    總統蔡英文近期投書《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)雙月刊,使用「President of Taiwan(台灣總統)」頭銜,前總統馬英九今(7)日出席中華戰略學會慶祝中華民國110年國慶大會致詞時指出,中華民國是全體國人所共有,不是誰的專利,更不是政黨拿來作騙選票的工具,去年國慶典禮上,蔡總統呼籲國內各黨一起攜手努力,可是最近蔡英文投稿外媒卻讓「R.O.C」不見了,請問蔡英文當的是哪一國的總統?
    2021/10/07 15:15
  • 共機頻擾台 蔡英文投書美刊:台灣淪陷亞洲和平不堪設想

    總統蔡英文在今天出刊的「外交事務」(Foreign Affairs)撰文說,台灣若落入中國之手,將對亞洲和平引發「災難性」後果;她還說,台灣一旦受到威脅,將傾盡全力自我防衛。
    2021/10/05 15:03
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