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    colorful world 結果共4筆

  • 圖輯/台北101「300秒煙火秀」一次看 萬人嗨翻迎2024

    2024年終於來了!台北101跨年晚會今年特別設計了主題名為「彩色世界COLORFUL WORLD」的煙火秀,不但總時長300秒外,更是史上首度使用「日本百年彩色煙」,讓所有前往現場觀看煙火秀的民眾們驚呼連連,開心告別2023年、喜迎2024年。
    2024/01/01 00:42
  • 備戰跨年101人潮!信義區超商拆大門、增加十倍人力

    2023年是民眾正式迎來疫情解封重要的一年,隨著進入年末倒數,每年深受民眾矚目與期待的跨年煙火,又以世界施放點最高的「台北101跨年煙火」最為著名,今年的台北101跨年煙火主題為「彩色世界COLORFUL WORLD」,預計施放長達300秒、約16,000發的煙火展演,預估今年的跨年人潮將會比往年在平日舉辦時更為踴躍。
    2023/12/31 17:27
  • Taipei 101 to ignite 16,000 fireworks for New Year show

    Taipei 101 announces its New Year’s Eve fireworks show for 2024, featuring a 300-second spectacle with 16,000 fireworks. For the first time, the event will incorporate Japanese color fireworks, adding to the visual array. The theme for this year’s show is "Colorful World," symbolizing Taiwan’s vibrant society and hopeful future. The iconic skyscraper will forgo its giant display screen and T-pad light net, as well as the 60-second countdown animation and lead-in video from the previous year. The collaboration with Japanese pyrotechnic manufacturers highlights the friendly relations between Taiwan and Japan, with Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan expecting tourist numbers to reach 6 million by mid-December. The international exposure from the fireworks is expected to significantly boost Taiwan’s visibility on the global travel map. Taipei 101’s Facebook page is also hosting a message-collection campaign, offering participants a chance to become part of the event’s narrative.
    2023/12/12 13:37
  • 101跨年煙火「彩色世界」首用日本貨 巨型螢幕、60秒倒數片沒了

    迎接2024!台北101今(12)日宣布2024跨年煙火,首度公布60秒的煙火動畫,與去年一樣有300秒,共計16000發,101跨年煙火主題定為「彩色世界COLORFUL WORLD」,首次採用日本彩色煙火,不過今年卻少了往年有的高空巨型螢幕、未架設T-pad燈網,等於跨年倒數60秒動畫、前導影片等也跟著消失。
    2023/12/12 11:40
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